Subscriber cleanup utility


To avoid the problems associated with non-graceful closure of subscriber objects, WebSphere MQ JMS includes a subscriber cleanup utility that attempts to detect any earlier WebSphere MQ JMS publish/subscribe problems that could have resulted from other applications. This utility runs transparently in the background and should not affect other WebSphere MQ JMS operations. If a large number of problems are detected against a given queue manager, you might see some performance degradation while resources are cleaned up.

Close all subscriber objects gracefully whenever possible, to avoid a buildup of subscriber problems.

The exact behavior of the utility depends on the subscription store in use:

Subscriber cleanup with SUBSTORE(QUEUE)

When using the queue-based subscription store, cleanup runs on a queue manager when the first TopicConnection to use that physical queue manager initializes.

If all the TopicConnections on a given queue manager close, when the next TopicConnection initializes for that queue manager, the utility runs again.

The cleanup utility uses information found on the SYSTEM.JMS.ADMIN.QUEUE and SYSTEM.JMS.PS.STATUS.QUEUE to detect previously failed subscribers. If any are found, it cleans up associated resources by deregistering the subscriber from the broker, and cleaning up any unconsumed messages or temporary queues associated with the subscription.

Subscriber cleanup with SUBSTORE(BROKER)

With the broker-based subscription store, cleanup runs regularly on a background thread while there is an open TopicConnection to a particular physical queue manager. One instance of the cleanup thread is created for each physical queue manager to which a TopicConnection exists within the JVM.

The cleanup utility uses information found on the SYSTEM.JMS.REPORT.QUEUE (typically responses from the publish/subscribe broker) to remove unconsumed messages and temporary queues associated with a failed subscriber. It can be a few seconds after the subscriber fails before the cleanup routine can remove the messages and queues.

Two properties on the TopicConnectionFactory control behavior of this cleanup thread: CLEANUP and CLEANUPINT. CLEANUPINT determines how often (in milliseconds) cleanup is executed against any given queue manager. CLEANUP takes one of four possible values:


This is the default value.

The cleanup thread tries to remove unconsumed subscription messages or temporary queues for failed subscriptions. This mode of cleanup does not interfere with the operation of other JMS applications.


The cleanup thread performs as CLEANUP(SAFE), but also clears the SYSTEM.JMS.REPORT.QUEUE of any unrecognized messages.

This mode of cleanup can interfere with the operation of JMS applications running with later versions of WebSphere MQ JMS. If multiple JMS applications are using the same queue manager, but using different versions of WebSphere MQ JMS, only clients using the most recent version of WebSphere MQ JMS must use this option.


In this special mode, no cleanup is performed, and no cleanup thread exists. Additionally, if the application is using the single-queue approach, unconsumed messages can be left on the queue.

This option can be useful if the application is distant from the queue manager, and especially if it only publishes rather than subscribes. However, one application must clean up the queue manager to deal with any unconsumed messages. This can be a JMS application with CLEANUP(SAFE) or CLEANUP(STRONG), or the manual cleanup utility described in Manual cleanup.


The style of cleanup to use is determined by the system property, which is queried at JVM startup.

This property can be set on the Java™ command-line using the -D option, to NONE, SAFE, or STRONG. Any other value causes an exception. If not set, the property defaults to SAFE.

This allows easy JVM-wide change to the cleanup level without updating every TopicConnectionFactory used by the system. This is useful for applications or application servers that use multiple TopicConnectionFactory objects.

Where multiple TopicConnections exist within a JVM against the same queue manager, but with differing values for CLEANUP and CLEANUPINT, the following rules are used to determine behavior:

  1. A TopicConnection with CLEANUP(NONE) does not attempt to clean up immediately after its subscription has closed. However, if another TopicConnection is using SAFE or STRONG cleanup, the cleanup thread eventually cleans up after the subscription.

  2. If any TopicConnection is using STRONG Cleanup, the cleanup thread operates at STRONG level. Otherwise, if any TopicConnection uses SAFE Cleanup, the cleanup thread operates at SAFE level. Otherwise, there is no cleanup thread.

  3. The smallest value of CLEANUPINT for those TopicConnections with SAFE or STRONG Cleanup is used.
