

public byte[] receiveExit(MQChannelExit channelExitParms, 
                          MQChannelDefinition channelDefinition, 
                          byte[] agentBuffer);

The receive exit method that your class must provide. It is invoked whenever the WebSphere MQ Client for Java™ receives a message from the queue manager.


  • channelExitParms - contains information about the context in which the exit is being invoked. channelExitParms.exitResponse is a parameter that you use to tell the WebSphere MQ Client for Java what action to take next.

  • channelDefinition - contains details of the channel through which all communications with the queue manager take place.

  • agentBuffer - contains the data received from the queue manager if channelExitParms.exitReason is MQChannelExit.MQXR_XMIT. Otherwise agentBuffer is null.


  • the data to be processed. If the exit response code (in channelExitParms) is MQXCC_OK, the MQ Client for Java can now process the data. The simplest receive exit therefore, consists of the single line:

    return agentBuffer;
