Error handling when using SSL


The following reason codes can be issued by WebSphere MQ classes for Java when connecting to a queue manager using SSL:


The sslCipherSuite property was set, but bindings connect was used. Only client connect supports SSL.


The JSSE provider reported an error that could not be handled by WebSphere MQ. This could be caused by a configuration problem with JSSE, or because the certificate presented by the queue manager could not be validated. The exception produced by JSSE can be retrieved using the getCause() method on MQException.


The DN pattern specified in the sslPeerName property did not match the DN presented by the queue manager.


The DN pattern specified in the sslPeerName property was not valid.


The CipherSuite named in sslCipherSuite was not recognized by the JSSE provider. A full list of CipherSuites supported by the JSSE provider can be obtained by a program using the SSLSocketFactory.getSupportedCipherSuites() method. A list of CipherSuites that can be used to communicate with WebSphere MQ can be found in SSL CipherSpecs and CipherSuites.


The certificate presented by the queue manager was found in a CRL specified with the sslCertStores property. Update the queue manager to use trusted certificates.


None of the supplied CertStores could be searched for the certificate presented by the queue manager. The MQException.getCause() method returns the error that occurred while searching the first CertStore attempted. If the causal exception is NoSuchElementException, ClassCastException, or NullPointerException, check that the Collection specified on the sslCertStores property contains at least one valid CertStore object.
