Supplying a customized SSLSocketFactory


Different JSSE implementations can provide different features. For example, a specialized JSSE implementation could allow configuration of a particular model of encryption hardware. Additionally, some JSSE providers allow customization of keystores and truststores by program, or allow the choice of identity certificate from the keystore to be altered. In JSSE, all these customizations are abstracted into a factory class,

Refer to your JSSE documentation for details of how to create a customized SSLSocketFactory implementation. The details vary from provider to provider, but a typical sequence of steps might be:

  1. Create an SSLContext object using a static method on SSLContext

  2. Initialize this SSLContext with appropriate KeyManager and TrustManager implementations (created from their own factory classes)

  3. Create an SSLSocketFactory from the SSLContext

When you have an SSLSocketFactory object, set the MQEnvironment.sslSocketFactory to the customized factory object. For example: sf = sslContext.getSocketFactory();
MQEnvironment.sslSocketFactory = sf;
WebSphere MQ classes for Java then use this SSLSocketFactory to connect to the WebSphere MQ queue manager. This property can also be set using the MQC.SSL_SOCKET_FACTORY_PROPERTY. If sslSocketFactory is set to null, the JVM's default SSLSocketFactory is used. This property is ignored if sslCipherSuite is not set.
