Property dependencies


Some properties have dependencies on each other. This might mean that it is meaningless to supply a property unless another property is set to a particular value. The specific property groups where this can occur are

Client properties

For a connection to a queue manager, the following properties are relevant only if TRANSPORT has the value CLIENT:

Using the administration tool, we cannot set values for these properties if TRANSPORT has the value BIND.

If TRANSPORT has the value CLIENT, the default value of the BROKERVER property is V1 and the default value of the PORT property is 1414. If you set the value of BROKERVER or PORT explicitly, a later change to the value of TRANSPORT does not override your choices.

Properties for a direct connection to a broker

Only the following properties are relevant if TRANSPORT has the value DIRECT or DIRECTHTTP:





  • PORT


  • MULTICAST (only supported for DIRECT)

If TRANSPORT has the value DIRECT or DIRECTHTTP, the default value of the BROKERVER property is V2, and the default value of the PORT property is 1506. If you set the value of BROKERVER or PORT explicitly, a later change to the value of TRANSPORT does not override your choices.

Exit initialization strings

Do not set any of the exit initialization strings without supplying the corresponding exit name. The exit initialization properties are:

For example, specifying RECEXITINIT(myString) without specifying RECEXIT(some.exit.classname) causes an error.
