LDAP naming considerations


To store your objects in an LDAP environment, give them names that comply with certain conventions. One of these is that object and subcontext names must include a prefix, such as cn= (common name), or ou= (organizational unit).

The administration tool simplifies the use of LDAP service providers by allowing you to refer to object and context names without a prefix. If you do not supply a prefix, the tool automatically adds a default prefix to the name you supply. For LDAP this is cn=.

We can change the default prefix by setting the NAME_PREFIX property in the JMSAdmin configuration file, as described in Using an unlisted InitialContextFactory.

This is shown in the following example.

InitCtx> DEFINE Q(testQueue)


    Contents of InitCtx

      a  cn=testQueue              com.ibm.mq.jms.MQQueue

     1 Object(s)
       0 Context(s)
       1 Binding(s), 1 Administered

Note that, although the object name supplied (testQueue) does not have a prefix, the tool automatically adds one to ensure compliance with the LDAP naming convention. Likewise, submitting the command DISPLAY Q(testQueue) also causes this prefix to be added.

You might need to configure your LDAP server to store Java™ objects. For information to assist with this configuration, see the documentation for your LDAP server.
