Administration commands


When the command prompt is displayed, the tool is ready to accept commands. Administration commands are generally of the following form:

verb [param]*
where verb is one of the administration verbs listed in Table 1. All valid commands consist of at least one (and only one) verb, which appears at the beginning of the command in either its standard or short form.

The parameters a verb can take depend on the verb. For example, the END verb cannot take any parameters, but the DEFINE verb can take any number of parameters. Details of the verbs that take at least one parameter are discussed in later sections of this chapter.

Administration verbs
Verb Short form Description
ALTER ALT Change at least one of the properties of a given administered object
DEFINE DEF Create and store an administered object, or create a new subcontext
DISPLAY DIS Display the properties of one or more stored administered objects, or the contents of the current context
DELETE DEL Remove one or more administered objects from the namespace, or remove an empty subcontext
CHANGE CHG Alter the current context, allowing the user to traverse the directory namespace anywhere below the initial context (pending security clearance)
COPY CP Make a copy of a stored administered object, storing it under an alternative name
MOVE MV Alter the name under which an administered object is stored
END   Close the administration tool

Verb names are not case-sensitive.

Usually, to terminate commands, you press the carriage return key. However, we can override this by typing the + symbol directly before the carriage return. This enables you to enter multiline commands, as shown in the following example:

DEFINE Q(BookingsInputQueue) +
       PORT(1415) +

Lines beginning with one of the characters *, #, or / are treated as comments, or lines that are ignored.
