Set up JMS Postcard


To use JMS Postcard, make sure that the Java Messaging feature of WebSphere MQ for Windows (WebSphere MQ JMS) is installed. You also need a working Java™ Runtime Environment (JRE) at Java 1.3.1 level or later.

Before we can successfully run the JMS Postcard application, define the environment variables CLASSPATH, MQ_JAVA_DATA_PATH, MQ_JAVA_INSTALL_PATH, and MQ_JAVA_LIB_PATH. On Windows systems these variables are set as part of the install process. On other platforms set them yourself. For more information about these variables, see Environment variables.

Many operations that the Postcard application carries out on your behalf require the user to be a member of the WebSphere MQ administrators group (mqm). If you are not a member of mqm, get a member of the mqm group to set up the default configuration on your behalf. See JMS Postcard default configuration.
