Terms used in this book


The term WebSphere MQ base Java means WebSphere MQ classes for Java.

The term WebSphere MQ JMS means WebSphere MQ classes for Java Message Service.

The term WebSphere MQ Java means WebSphere MQ classes for Java and WebSphere MQ classes for Java Message Service combined.

The term i5/OS means any release of i5/OS or OS/400 supported by the current version of WebSphere MQ for iSeries™.

Linux is used as a general term for any of the following platforms:

UNIX system is used as a general term for any of the following platforms:

Windows system, or just Windows, is used as a general term for any of the following platforms:

The term IP address means either an Internet Protocol V4 (IPv4) address, expressed as a sequence of decimal numbers separated by dots, or an Internet Protocol V6 (IPv6) address, expressed as a sequence of hexadecimal numbers separated by colons.
