

public int AccountingConnOverride {get;}

Allows applications to override the setting of the mqi accounting and queue accounting values.


public int AccountingInterval {get;}

How long before intermediate accounting records are written (in seconds).


public int ActivityRecording {get;}

Controls the generation of activity reports.


public int AdoptNewMCACheck {get;}

Specifies which elements are checked to determine whether an MCA should be adopted when a new inbound channel is detected with the same name as an already active MCA.


public int AdoptNewMCAInterval {get;}

The amount of time, in seconds, that the new channel waits for the orphaned channel to end.


public int AdoptNewMCAType {get;}

Whether an orphaned MCA instance is to be adopted (restarted) when a new inbound channel request is detected matching the AdoptNewMCACheck value.


public int BridgeEvent {get;}

Whether IMS Bridge events are generated.


public int ChannelEvent {get;}

Whether channel events are generated.


public int ChannelInitiatorControl {get;}

Whether the channel initiator should start automatically when the queue manager starts.


public int ChannelInitiatorAdapters {get;}

The number of adapter subtasks to process WebSphere MQ calls.


public int ChannelInitiatorDispatchers {get;}

The number of dispatchers to use for the channel initiator.


public int ChannelInitiatorTraceAutoStart {get;}

Specifies whether the channel initiator trace should start automatically.


public int ChannelInitiatorTraceTableSize {get;}

The size, in megabytes, of the channel initiator's trace data space.


public int ChannelMonitoring {get;}

Whether channel monitoring is enabled.


public int ChannelStatistics {get;}

Controls the collection of statistics data for channels.


public int CharacterSet {get;}

Throws MQException.

Returns the CCSID (Coded Character Set Identifier) of the queue manager's codeset. This defines the character set used by the queue manager for all character string fields in the application programming interface.

Throws MQException if you call this method after disconnecting from the queue manager.


public int ClusterSenderMonitoring {get;}

Controls the collection of online monitoring data for automatically-defined cluster sender channels.


public int ClusterSenderStatistics {get;}

Controls the collection of statistics data for automatically defined cluster sender channels.


public int ClusterWorkLoadMRU {get;}

The maximum number of outbound cluster channels.


public int ClusterWorkLoadUseQ {get;}

The default value of the MQQueue property, ClusterWorkLoadUseQ, if it specifies a value of QMGR.


public int CommandEvent {get;}

Specifies whether command events are generated.


public String CommandInputQueueName {get;}

Throws MQException.

Returns the name of the command input queue defined on the queue manager. This is a queue to which applications can send commands, if authorized to do so.

Throws MQException if you call this method after disconnecting from the queue manager.


public int CommandLevel {get;}

Throws MQException.

Indicates the level of system control commands supported by the queue manager. The set of system control commands that correspond to a particular command level varies according to the architecture of the platform on which the queue manager is running. See the WebSphere MQ documentation for your platform for further details.

Throws MQException if you call this method after disconnecting from the queue manager.


One of the MQC.MQCMDL_LEVEL_xxx constants


public int CommandServer {get;}

Whether the command server should start automatically when the queue manager starts.


public string DNSGroup {get;}

The name of the group that the TCP listener handling inbound transmissions for the queue-sharing group should join when using Workload Manager for Dynamic Domain Name Services support (DDNS).


public int DNSWLM {get;}

Whether the TCP listener that handles inbound transmissions for the queue-sharing group should register with Workload Manager for DDNS.


public int IPAddressV{get;}

Which IP protocol (IPv4 or IPv6) to use for a channel connection.


public boolean IsConnected {get;}

Returns the value of the isConnected variable.


public int KeepAlive {get;}

Specifies whether the TCP KEEPALIVE facility is to be used to check that the other end of the connection is still available. If it is not available, the channel is closed.


public int ListenerTimer {get;}

The time interval, in seconds, between attempts by WebSphere MQ to restart the listener after an APPC or TCP/IP failure.


public int LoggerEvent {get;}

Whether logger events are generated.


public string LU62ARMSuffix {get;}

The suffix of the APPCPM member of SYS1.PARMLIB. This suffix nominates the LUADD for this channel initiator. When automatic restart manager (ARM) restarts the channel initiator, the z/OS command SET APPC=xx is issued.


public string LUGroupName {get;}

The generic LU name to be used by the LU 6.2 listener that handles inbound transmissions for the queue-sharing group.


public string LUName {get;}

The name of the LU to use for outbound LU 6.2 transmissions.


public int MaximumActiveChannels {get;}

The maximum number of channels that can be active at any time.


public int MaximumCurrentChannels {get;}

The maximum number of channels that can be current at any time (including server-connection channels with connected clients).


public int MaximumLU62Channels {get;}

The maximum number of channels that can be current, or clients that can be connected, that use the LU 6.2 transmission protocol.


public int MaximumMessageLength {get;}

Throws MQException.

Returns the maximum length of a message (in bytes) that can be handled by the queue manager. No queue can be defined with a maximum message length greater than this.

Throws MQException if you call this method after disconnecting from the queue manager.


public int MaximumPriority {get;}

Throws MQException.

Returns the maximum message priority supported by the queue manager. Priorities range from zero (lowest) to this value.

Throws MQException if you call this method after disconnecting from the queue manager.


public int MaximumTCPChannels {get;}

The maximum number of channels that can be current, or clients that can be connected, that use the TCP/IP transmission protocol.


public int MQIAccounting {get;}

Controls the collection of accounting information for MQI data.


public int MQIStatistics {get;}

Controls the collection of statistics monitoring information for the queue manager.


public int OutboundPortMax {get;}

The maximum value in the range of port numbers to be used when binding outgoing channels.


public int OutboundPortMin {get;}

The minimum value in the range of port numbers to be used when binding outgoing channels.


public int QueueAccounting {get;}

Whether class 3 accounting (thread-level and queue-level accounting) data is to be enabled for all queues.


public int QueueMonitoring {get;}

Controls the collection of online monitoring data for queues.


public int QueueStatistics {get;}

Controls the collection of statistics data for queues.


public int ReceiveTimeout {get;}

The length of time that a TCP/IP channel waits to receive data, including heartbeats, from its partner before returning to the inactive state.


public int ReceiveTimeoutMin {get;}

The minimum length of time that a TCP/IP channel waits to receive data, including heartbeats, from its partner before returning to an inactive state.


public int ReceiveTimeoutType {get;}

The qualifier to apply to the value in ReceiveTimeout.


public int SharedQueueQueueManagerName {get;}

Whether the ObjectQmgrName should be used or treated as the local queue manager on an MQOPEN call for a shared queue when the ObjectQmgrName is that of another queue manager in the queue-sharing group.


public int SSLEvent {get;}

Whether SSL events are generated.


public int SSLFips {get;}

Whether only FIPS-certified algorithms are to be used if cryptography is executed in WebSphere MQ



public int SSLKeyResetCount {get;}

Indicates the number of unencrypted bytes sent and received within an SSL conversation before the secret key is renegotiated.


public int ClusterSenderStatistics {get;}

Specifies the interval, in minutes, between consecutive gatherings of statistics.


public int SyncpointAvailability {get;}

Throws MQException.

Indicates whether the queue manager supports units of work and syncpointing with the MQQueue.get and MQQueue.put methods.


  • MQC.MQSP_AVAILABLE if syncpointing is available.

  • MQC.MQSP_NOT_AVAILABLE if syncpointing is not available.

Throws MQException if you call this method after disconnecting from the queue manager.


public string TCPName {get;}

The name of either the only, or default, TCP/IP system to be used, depending on the value of TCPStackType.


public int TCPStackType {get;}

Specifies whether the channel initiator may use only the TCP/IP address space specified in TCPNAME, or may optionally bind to any selected TCP/IP address.


public int TraceRouteRecording {get;}

Controls the recording of route tracing information.
