Error messages

You might see the following common error message:

An unhandled exception of type 'System.IO.FileNotFoundException' occurred in unknown module

If this error occurs for either amqmdnet.dll or amqmdxcs.dll, either ensure that both are registered in the 'Global Assembly Cache' or create a configuration file that points to the amqmdnet.dll and amqmdxcs.dll assemblies. We can examine and change the contents of the assembly cache using mscorcfg.msc, which is supplied as part of the .NET framework.

If the .NET framework was not available when WebSphere MQ was installed, the classes might not be registered in the global assembly cache. We can manually rerun the registration process using the command

amqidnet -c mqmtop\bin\amqidotn.txt -l logfile.txt

Information about this installation is written to the specified log file (logfile.txt in this example).
