Terms used in this book
The terms WebSphere MQ and WebSphere MQ for Windows systems mean WebSphere MQ running on the Windows platforms:
- Windows 2000
- Windows XP
- Windows 2003 Server
We also use the term Windows systems or just Windows as general terms for these Windows platforms.
Throughout this book reference is made to customization values. In previous versions of the .NET classes, this would mean environment variables. In this version of the .NET classes we can also use .NET application configuration settings. For a .NET application called
app.exe , a configuration file called
app.exe.config can exist in the same directory. This file is an XML file that can specify information for configuring the running instance of the application.
For example, previously the value of NMQ_MQ_LIB would only have been picked up from an environment variable named 'NMQ_MQ_LIB'. This value can now be given as an option in the application configuration settings file by adding it to the appSettings folder in the application's configuration file, as follows:
<configuration> <appSettings> <add key="NMQ_MQ_LIB" value="managed"/> </appSettings> </configuration>
The specification of a customization value as an application configuration setting takes precedence over the specification of the customization value as an environment variable.