parameter of URI, connectionFactory, initialContextFactory, timeout, targetService, timeToLive, persistence, priority, replyDestination" /> Parameter names and values


Parameter names and values


This parameter is required and should be the first parameter in the URI after the initial 'jms:/queue' string.

The name of the request queue: either a WebSphere MQ queue name, or a queue name and queue manager name connected by an @ symbol, for example

SOAPN.trandemos@WMQSOAP.DEMO.QM. Note that WebSphere MQ Publish/Subscribe is not supported.


This parameter is required. For the syntax of this parameter, see The connectionFactory parameter.


This parameter is required and must be set to "". This is for compatibility with WebSphere Application Server and other products (see Interoperation with WebSphere Application Server).


The time, in milliseconds, that the client will wait for a response message. Overrides any values set by the infrastructure or client application. If not specified, the application value (if specified) or infrastructure default is used.


This option is mandatory for accessing .NET services. In the .NET environment this option makes it possible for a single SOAP/WebSphere MQ listener to be able to process requests for multiple services. These services must be deployed from the same directory. It is optional for Java services as the Axis infrastructure permits SOAP/WebSphere MQ listeners to access multiple services. If it is specified in the Axis environment it will override the default Axis mechanism.

The value for this parameter is a service name. For a .NET service the service name should be specified with no directory qualification as .NET services are always assumed to be located directly within the deployment directory, for example

targetService=myService.asmx. For a Java service the service name must be fully qualified, for example



Specifies the expiry time of the message in milliseconds. The default is zero, which indicates an unlimited lifetime.
No relationship is enforced between timeout and expiry.


Specifies the message persistence. Following standard JMS conventions, this is specified as a number, with the following meanings:


No persistence specified; WebSphere MQ treats this as PersistenceAsQDef. This is the default.


The message is non persistent.


The message is persistent


Specifies the message priority. Valid values are in the range 0 (low) to 9 (high). The default is environment specific, for WebSphere MQ the default is 0.


The queue at the client side to be used for the response message. The default setting is SYSTEM.SOAP.RESPONSE.QUEUE.