Testing your SOAP/WebSphere MQ installation

An installation verification test suite (IVT) is provided with WebSphere MQ transport for SOAP. This runs a number of demonstration applications and ensures the environment is correctly set up after installation.

Before running the IVT, set the environment variable WMQSOAP_HOME to specify the WebSphere MQ installation directory.

Change to a directory under which you want the IVT to deploy. Run the IVT by executing the runivt.cmd script on Windows or the runivt.sh script on Unix systems. The script is located in the samples directory. The full set of tests can be executed by entering the command "runivt" with no arguments. The IVT starts the listeners it requires during the tests and by default closes them down before exiting. If you want to leave the listeners running after the IVT has completed, specify the "hold" option as the last argument on the runivt command line. The listeners will be started in separate command windows; for this reason it is necessary to be using an X-Windows session when using the IVT on Unix systems. On Windows platforms, the IVT utility by default uses a configuration file called ivttests.txt that details the various tests to be performed. On Unix systems the file is called ivttests_unix.txt. To use a different configuration file, for example if you want to run your own tests, specify the "-c filename" option.

The configuration file is a plain text file that describes the tests that can be executed. Each test is defined over 5 lines. For example, for the IVT test labeled "Dotnet" the entries in the configuration file are:

WMQ transport test: C# to .NET (Asmx) 
DOC reply is: 77.77 

The first line ("Dotnet") is the name of the test. This can be specified as an argument to the runivt script to specify which test(s) should be run. The second line ("WMQ transport test: C# to .NET (Asmx)") is a description of the test. The third line ("SQCS2DotNet") is the command that the IVT will execute to start the client application. The fourth line ("DOC reply is: 77.77") is the expected reply string from the client. This must be the last actual line output by the client for the test to have been deemed to pass. The fifth line ("dotnet") is the name of the SOAP/WebSphere MQ listener that the IVT will start in order for the service request to be processed. Valid listener names are "dotnet" for the SOAP/WebSphere MQ amqwSOAPNETlistener and "JMSax" for the SOAP/WebSphere MQ SimpleJavaListener.

If you want to use the IVT to run only a single test, the name of the test should be the first argument supplied to the utility.

To run two or more tests, supply the names of the tests to be run as arguments to the utility. For example, to run the "dotnet" and "AxisProxy" tests, invoke the IVT as follows:

runivt dotnet axisproxy

To leave the listeners running add the "hold" parameter to the end of the command.

All arguments to the IVT are case insensitive. The IVT configuration file can contain comment lines (indicated by a '#' character in the first character of a line) and blank lines.

For example, to run just the "dotnet" test and leave the listeners running, invoke the IVT as follows:

runivt dotnet hold

This produces output similar to the following:

define qlocal(SYSTEM.SOAP.RESPONSE.QUEUE) BOTHRESH(3) completed OK.
completed OK.
define qlocal(SYSTEM.SOAP.SIDE.QUEUE) completed OK.

----- [Dotnet] -------------------------------- 
WMQ transport test: C# to .NET (Asmx)
--- client: SQCS2DotNet  jms:/queue?desination=SOAPN.demos@WMQSOAP.DEMO.QM&connectionFactory=connectQueueM

RPC reply is: 88.88 
C:/temp/demos>rem - generated by DeployWMQService.java at 08-Mar-2005 11:05:04
C:/temp/demos>call amqwsetcp.cmd
1 tests run, of which 0 failed.

The list of tests which can be run using the IVT is as follows. These tests are described in Samples.