.NET SOAP/WebSphere MQ listener
The .NET SOAP/WebSphere MQ listener is implemented in amqwSOAPNETlistener.exe.
The calling syntax is:
amqwSOAPNETlistener -u wmqUri [-w directory] [-n numListenerThreads] [-d msecs] [-i passContext|owncontext ] [-x none | onePhase | twoPhase]where:
- -u
- Specifies the URI of the service to be invoked. This option is required.
- -a
- Allows the default behavior to be customized when it is not possible to write a failed request message to the dead letter queue.
- DefaultMsgIntegrity
- For non-persistent messages, the listener displays a warning message and continues to execute with the original message being discarded. For persistent messages, it displays an error message, backs out the request message so it remains on the request queue and exits. This default mode applies if the -a flag is omitted, or if it is specified with no option.
- LowMsgIntegrity
- For both persistent and non-persistent messages, the listener displays a warning and continues to execute, discarding the message.
- HighMsgIntegrity
- For both persistent and non-persistent messages, the listener displays an error message, backs out the request message so it remains on the request queue and exits. This mode is mutually exclusive with the -x none option. If these options are both specified, the listener displays an error message and exits.
- -d
- Time, in milliseconds, for SOAP/WebSphere MQ listener to stay alive after no request messages have been received (on any thread, if you are running multiple threads). If set to -1, the listener stays alive indefinitely. This is the default.
- -i
- Specifies whether or not the listener should attempt to pass identity context.
For more details of context passing, see Context.
- passContext
- The listener uses the sender's context. This is the default.
- owncontext
- The listener uses the context under which it was started
- -n
- Specifies the number of SOAP/WebSphere MQ listener threads required. The default is 10.
- -v
- Display warning messages if any of the following options are specified in the -u argument:
- reply to queue
- timeout
- expiry
- persistence
- priority
- targetService
These options apply only to SOAP/WebSphere MQ clients. If you use the same URI for the listener and don't want to be warned that you are using redundant parameters, omit the -v parameter to suppress the warning messages. Whether or not -v is set or warning messages are output, the listener executes as normal.
- -w
- Physical directory containing web service. The default is 'c:\\inetpub\\wwwroot\\<Application>\\' (extracted from Queue if not specified)
- -x
- Indicates what form of transactional control the listener should run under. Options can be set on this flag as follows:
The queue of the URI determines the queue that the listener will monitor for service requests. If you are starting the listener manually, you normally run this command from a command prompt.
- onePhase
- WebSphere MQ one-phase support is used. If the system fails during processing, the request message can be redelivered to the application. WebSphere MQ transactions assure that the message is written exactly once. This is the default
- twoPhase
- two-phase support is used. As long as other resources are coordinated resource managers and the service is written appropriately the message is delivered exactly once with a single committed execution of the service. This option applies only to server bindings (see The connectionFactory parameter).
- none
- No transactional support. If the system fails during processing, the request message might be lost, even if it is persistent). The service might or might not have executed, and response, report or dead-letter queue messages might or might not have been written. If the -x none option is used, then the "-a LowMsgIntegrity" option is mandated and the listener exits on start-up with an error message if the latter is not specified.
- -?
- Provide a usage statement. The usage statement is displayed and the listener then exits.
For example:
amqwSOAPNETlistener -u "jms:/queue?destination=myQ&connectionFactory=() &targetService=myService&initialContextFactory=com.ibm.mq.jms.Nojndi" -w C:/wmqsoap/demos -n 20In the above example, the listener is started by running the program amqwSOAPNETlistener. Three arguments are supplied, the WebSphere MQ URI, which is identified with the -u qualifier, the directory the service is located in, which is identified by the -w parameter, and the number of listener threads to start, which is identified with the -n parameter. The URI has the same form as for the client, but is used in a slightly different way. Optional values in the URI might be used to control the way the connection occurs (client/server bindings, which queue manager, and so on). These are: connectQueueManager, binding, clientChannel, clientConnection, sslKeyRepository, sslCipherSpec, sslPeerName, sslKeyResetCount, sslCryptoHardware, sslFipsRequired and sslLDAPCRLServers. Other optional values in the URI are relevant only to clients and are ignored, but a warning message can be issued; see the explanation of the -v parameter.