Working with Certificate Revocation Lists and Authority Revocation Lists


During the SSL handshake, the communicating partners authenticate each other with digital certificates. Authentication can include a check that the certificate received can still be trusted. Certification Authorities (CAs) revoke certificates for various reasons, including:

CAs publish revoked personal certificates in a Certificate Revocation List (CRL). CA certificates that have been revoked are published in an Authority Revocation List (ARL).

For more information about Certification Authorities, refer to Digital certificates.

WebSphere MQ SSL support implements CRL and ARL checking using LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) servers. This chapter tells you about:

For more information about LDAP, refer to the WebSphere MQ Application Programming Guide.

The WebSphere MQ CRL and ARL support on each platform is as follows:


Parent topic:

Working with WebSphere MQ SSL support
