Channel status attributes


WebSphere MQ SSL support includes the following parameters on the DISPLAY CHSTATUS MQSC command:


The Distinguished Name (DN) of the remote certificate.


Represents the full Distinguished Name (DN) of the issuer of the remote certificate. The "issuer" is the Certification Authority (CA) that issued the certificate.


Represents the Local UserId associated with the remote certificate. Supported on z/OS only.


Displays the number of SSL key resets successfully performed for this channel instance. The count of SSL key resets is reset when the channel instance is ended.


Displays the date when the last SSL secret key reset was successfully issued for this channel instance. The date of the last SSL secret key reset is reset when the channel instance is ended.


Displays the time when the last SSL secret key reset was successfully issued for this channel instance. The time of the last SSL secret key reset is reset when the channel instance is ended.

For more information about displaying these parameters with the DISPLAY CHSTATUS MQSC command, refer to the WebSphere MQ Script (MQSC) Command Reference.


Parent topic:

WebSphere MQ SSL support
