Design of the IMS checking-account program (CSQ4ICB3)


This program runs as a BMP. Start the program using its JCL before any WebSphere MQ messages are sent to it.

The program searches an IMS™ database for the account number in the loan request messages. It retrieves the corresponding account name, average balance, and credit worthiness index.

The program sends the results of the database search to the reply-to queue named in the WebSphere MQ message being processed. The message returned appends the account type and the results of the search to the message received so that the transaction building the response can confirm that the correct query is being processed. The message is in the form of three 79-character groups, as follows:

'Response from CHECKING ACCOUNT for name : JONES J B'
'      Opened 870530, 3-month average balance = 000012.57'
'      Credit worthiness index - BBB'

When running as a message-oriented BMP, the program drains the IMS message queue, then reads messages from the WebSphere MQ for z/OS queue and processes them. No information is received from the IMS message queue. The program reconnects to the queue manager after each checkpoint because the handles have been closed.

When running in a batch-oriented BMP, the program continues to be connected to the queue manager after each checkpoint because the handles are not closed.


Parent topic:

The IMS extension to the Credit Check sample
