Credit application manager (CSQ4CVB2)


The Credit Application Manager (CAM) program performs most of the processing for the Credit Check application.

The CAM is started by the CKTI trigger monitor (supplied with WebSphere MQ for z/OS) when a trigger event occurs on either queue CSQ4SAMP.B2.INQUIRY or queue CSQ4SAMP.B2.REPLY.n, where n is an integer that identifies one of a set of reply queues. The trigger message contains data that includes the name of the queue on which the trigger event occurred.

The CAM uses queues with names of the form CSQ4SAMP.B2.WAITING.n to store information about inquiries that it is processing. The queues are named so that they are each paired with a reply-to queue; for example, queue CSQ4SAMP.B2.WAITING.3 contains the input data for a particular inquiry, and queue CSQ4SAMP.B2.REPLY.3 contains a set of reply messages (from programs that query databases) all relating to that same inquiry. To understand the reasons behind this design, see Separate inquiry and reply queues in the CAM.


Parent topic:

Design of the sample
