Configure the IBM eNetwork LDAP server
Refer to the eNetwork LDAP Directory Administrator’s Guide for information about installing the directory. In the chapter “Installing and Configuring Server”, work through the sections “Installing Server” and “Basic Server Configuration”. If necessary, read through the chapter “Administrator Interface” to familiarize yourself with how the interface works.
In the chapter “Configuring - How Do I”, follow the instructions for starting up the administrator, then work through the section “Configure Database” and create a default database. Skip the section “Configure replica” and using the section “Work with Suffixes”, add a suffix “o=MQuser”.
Before adding any entries to the database, extend the directory schema by adding some attribute definitions and an objectclass definition. This is described in the eNetwork LDAP Directory Administrator’s Guide in the chapter “Reference Information” under the section “Directory Schema”. Two sample files are included to help you with this. The file includes the attribute definitions that add to the file ⁄etc⁄ Do this by including the sample file by editing and adding a line:
include <pathname>/ we can edit the file and add the contents of the sample file directly to it, that is, add the lines:
# MQ attribute definitions attribute mqChannel ces mqChannel 1000 normal attribute mqQueueManager ces mqQueueManager 1000 normal attribute mqQueue ces mqQueue 1000 normal attribute mqPort cis mqPort 64 normalSimilarly for the objectclass definition, we can either include the sample file by editing etc⁄slapd.oc.conf and add the line:
include <pathname>/mq.oc.confor we can add the contents of the sample file directly to slapd.oc.conf, that is, add the lines:
# MQ object classdefinition objectclass mqApplication requires objectClass, cn, host, mqChannel, mqQueue allows mqQueueManager, mqPort, description, l, ou, seeAlsoWe can now start the directory server (Administration, Server, Startup) and add the sample entries to it. To add the sample entries, go to the Administration, Add Entries page of the administrator, type in the full pathname of the sample file MQuser.ldif and click Submit.
The directory server is now running and loaded with data suitable for running the sample program.
Parent topic:
LDAP sample program