Prepare CICS and Transaction Server programs


Sample C source for a CICS WebSphere MQ transaction is provided by AMQSCIC0.CCS. You build it using the standard CICS facilities. For example, for TXSeries for Windows 2000:

  1. Set the environment variable (enter the following on one line):
      set CICS_IBMC_FLAGS=-IC:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere MQ\Tools\C\Include;

  2. Set the USERLIB environment variable:

  3. Translate, compile, and link the sample program:
      cicstcl -l IBMC amqscic0.ccs

This is described in the Transaction Server for Windows NT Application Programming Guide (CICS) V4.

We can find more information about supporting CICS transactions in the WebSphere MQ System Administration Guide.


Parent topic:

Preparing C programs
