Prepare CICS programs


XA switch modules are provided to enable you to link CICS with WebSphere MQ:

Essential code for CICS applications (AIX)


C (source)

C (exec) - add to your

XA initialization routine


amqzsc - CICS for AIX

You are recommended to use the prebuilt version of amqzsc that is shipped with the product. If we need to rebuild the switch load file for any reason (for example, a new CICS release might require this), then you can do it as follows:

export MQM_HOME=/usr/mqm

echo "amqzscix" > tmp.exp
xlc_r4 $MQM_HOME/samp/amqzscix.c -I/usr/lpp/encina/include \
  -e amqzscix -bE:tmp.exp -bM:SRE -o amqzsc                \
  /usr/lpp/cics/lib/regxa_swxa.o -L$MQM_HOME/lib           \
  -L/usr/lpp/cics/lib -L/usr/lpp/encina/lib                \
  -lcicsrt -lEncina -lEncServer -lpthreads -lc_r           \
  -lmqmcics_r -lmqmxa_r -lmqz_r -lmqmcs_r -lmqmzse
rm tmp.exp

Always link your C transactions with the threadsafe WebSphere MQ library libmqm_r.a., and your COBOL transactions with the COBOL library libmqmcb_r.a.

We can find more information about supporting CICS transactions in the WebSphere MQ System Administration Guide.


Parent topic:

Building your application on AIX
