IMS bridge feedback codes


IMS™ sense codes are normally output in hexadecimal format in WebSphere MQ console messages such as CSQ2001I (for example, sense code 001A). WebSphere MQ feedback codes as seen in the dead-letter header of messages put to the dead-letter queue are decimal numbers.

The IMS bridge feedback codes are in the range 301 through 399. They are mapped from the IMS-OTMA sense codes as follows:

  1. The IMS-OTMA sense code is converted from a hexadecimal number to a decimal number.

  2. 300 is added to the number resulting from the calculation in 1, giving the WebSphere MQ Feedback code.

Refer to the IMS/ESA Open Transaction Manager Access Guide for information about IMS-OTMA sense codes.


Parent topic:

How the WebSphere MQ-IMS bridge deals with messages
