Server applications


Here is an outline of the MQI server application model:

 Open queue for input shared
 Get message from WebSphere MQ queue
 Do while Get does not fail
     If expected message received
       Process the message
       Process unexpected message
     End if
     Get next message from WebSphere MQ queue
 End do
 Close queue/Disconnect

Sample program CSQ4ICB3 shows the implementation, in C/370™, of a BMP using this model. The program establishes communication with IMS™ first, and then with WebSphere MQ:

    Call InitIMS
    If IMS initialization successful
       Call InitMQM
       If WebSphere MQ initialization successful
          Call ProcessRequests
          Call EndMQM

The IMS initialization determines whether the program has been called as a message-driven or a batch-oriented BMP and controls WebSphere MQ queue manager connection and queue handles accordingly:

Get the IO, Alternate and Database PCBs
Set MessageOriented to true
Call ctdli to handle status codes rather than abend
If call is successful (status code is zero)
   While status code is zero
      Call ctdli to get next message from IMS message queue
      If message received
         Do nothing
         Else if no IOPBC
            Set MessageOriented to false
            Initialize error message
            Build 'Started as batch oriented BMP' message
            Call ReportCallError to output the message
         Else if response is not 'no message available'
            Initialize error message
            Build 'GU failed' message
                Call ReportCallError to output the message
                Set return code to error
   Initialize error message
   Build 'INIT failed' message
   Call ReportCallError to output the message
   Set return code to error
Return to calling function

The WebSphere MQ initialization connects to the queue manager and opens the queues. In a message-driven BMP this is called after each IMS syncpoint is taken; in a batch-oriented BMP, this is called only during program startup:

    Connect to the queue manager
    If connect is successful
       Initialize variables for the open call
       Open the request queue
       If open is not successful
          Initialize error message
          Build 'open failed' message
          Call ReportCallError to output the message
          Set return code to error
       Initialize error message
       Build 'connect failed' message
       Call ReportCallError to output the message
       Set return code to error
    Return to calling function

The implementation of the server model in an MPP is influenced by the fact that the MPP processes a single unit of work per invocation. This is because, when a syncpoint (GU) is taken, the connection and queue handles are closed and the next IMS message is delivered. This limitation can be partially overcome by one of the following:

The server model, which is expected to be a long running task, is better supported in a batch processing region, although the BMP cannot be triggered using CSQQTRMN.


Parent topic:

MQI calls in IMS applications
