Use and writing WebSphere MQ-CICS bridge applications for z/OS


Throughout this chapter the terms CICS bridge and bridge mean WebSphere MQ-CICS bridge.

Most CICS applications were developed when a 3270 terminal was the main way of interacting with users. To use these applications with new transport mechanisms, such as WebSphere MQ, it is best to write CICS applications with the business logic of the application separated from the presentation logic. The business logic can be accessed by a CICS Distributed Program Link (DPL) request to run the program. However, not all applications can be restructured in this way, for example when the customer does not own the source code of the application. The CICS bridge protects the investment in these legacy applications by allowing them to be accessed from other platforms. This makes CICS resources readily available to programs not running under CICS. This can be done for DPL programs and for 3270 transactions.

A WebSphere MQ application can start a CICS application by sending a structured message to the CICS bridge request queue. Any data required by the CICS application can be included in the request message:

Similarly, the CICS application can send data back to the WebSphere MQ application in a message that is sent to a reply queue:

The WebSphere MQ application can run on any platform, but the bridge request queue must reside on the local z/OS™ queue manager that is connected to the CICS adapter.

This chapter describes how to use and design WebSphere MQ-CICS bridge applications, and contains the following sections:


Parent topic:

Application Programming Guide
