QLOP abends


Tasks abend with the abend code QLOP if a second MQI call is made after a call has been returned with completion code MQCC_FAILED and one of these reason codes:

This runaway mechanism can be activated only after the adapter has been enabled once. Before the adapter has been enabled, such a task loops with reason code set to MQRC_ADAPTER_NOT_AVAILABLE. To avoid this, ensure that your applications respond to the above reason codes either by terminating abnormally or by issuing an EXEC CICS SYNCPOINT ROLLBACK and terminating normally.

If the application does not terminate at this point, it might not issue any further WebSphere MQ calls even if the connection between WebSphere MQ and CICS is reestablished. Once WebSphere MQ is reconnected to CICS, new transactions can use MQI calls as before.


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