Syncpoint support


Synchronizing the start and end of units of work is necessary in a transaction processing environment so that transaction processing can be used safely. This is fully supported by WebSphere MQ for z/OS in the CICS and IMS™ environments. Full support means cooperation between resource managers so that units of work can be committed or backed out in unison, under control of CICS or IMS. Examples of resource managers are DB2, CICS File Control, IMS, and WebSphere MQ for z/OS.

z/OS batch applications can use WebSphere MQ for z/OS calls to give a single-phase commit facility. This means that an application-defined set of queue operations can be committed, or backed out, without reference to other resource managers.

Two-phase commit is also supported in the z/OS batch environment using transaction management and recoverable resource manager services (RRS). For further information see Transaction management and recoverable resource manager services.


Parent topic:

Using and writing applications on WebSphere MQ for z/OS
