MQ_CLOSE_EXIT provides a close exit function to perform before and after MQCLOSE call processing. Use function identifier MQXF_CLOSE with exit reasons MQXR_BEFORE and MQXR_AFTER to register before and after MQCLOSE call exit functions.

The interface to this function is:

MQ_CLOSE_EXIT (&ExitParms, &ExitContext, &Hconn, &pHobj,
               &Options, &CompCode, &Reason)
where the parameters are:

ExitParms (MQAXP) - input/output

Exit parameter structure.

ExitContext (MQAXC) - input/output

Exit context structure.

Hconn (MQHCONN) - input

Connection handle.

pHobj (PMQHOBJ) - input

Pointer to object handle.

Options (MQLONG)- input/output

Close options.

CompCode (MQLONG) - input/output

Completion code, valid values for which are:


Successful completion.


Call failed

Reason (MQLONG) - input/output

Reason code qualifying the completion code.

If the completion code is MQCC_OK, the only valid value is:


(0, x'000') No reason to report.
If the completion code is MQCC_FAILED, the exit function can set the reason code field to any valid MQRC_* value.


Parent topic:

The API exit functions
