Dead-letter queue processing
The rest of this chapter contains general-use programming interface information.
Dead-letter queue processing depends on local system requirements, but consider the following when you draw up the specification:
- The message can be identified as having a dead-letter queue header because the value of the format field in the MQMD, is MQFMT_DEAD_LETTER_HEADER.
- On WebSphere MQ for z/OS using CICS, if an MCA puts this message to the dead-letter queue, the PutApplType field is MQAT_CICS, and the PutApplName field is the ApplId of the CICS system followed by the transaction name of the MCA.
- The reason for the message to be routed to the dead-letter queue is contained in the Reason field of the dead-letter queue header.
- The dead-letter queue header contains details of the destination queue name and queue manager name.
- The dead-letter queue header contains fields that have to be reinstated in the message descriptor before the message is put to the destination queue. These are:
- Encoding
- CodedCharSetId
- Format
- The message descriptor is the same as PUT by the original application, except for the three fields shown above.
Your dead-letter queue application must do one or more of the following:
- Examine the Reason field. A message might have been put by an MCA for the following reasons:
- The message was longer than the maximum message size for the channel
The reason is MQRC_MSG_TOO_BIG_FOR_CHANNEL (or MQRC_MSG_TOO_BIG_FOR_Q_MGR if you are using CICS for distributed queuing on WebSphere MQ for z/OS)
- The message could not be put to its destination queue
The reason is any MQRC_* reason code that can be returned by an MQPUT operation
- A user exit has requested this action
The reason code is that supplied by the user exit, or the default MQRC_SUPPRESSED_BY_EXIT
- Try to forward the message to its intended destination, where this is possible.
- Retain the message for a certain length of time before discarding when the reason for the diversion is determined, but not immediately correctable.
- Give instructions to administrators correct problems where these have been determined.
- Discard messages that are corrupted or otherwise not processible.
There are two ways to deal with the messages that you have recovered from the dead-letter queue:
- If the message is for a local queue:
- Carry out any code translations required to extract the application data
- Carry out code conversions on that data if this is a local function
- Put the resulting message on the local queue with all the detail of the message descriptor restored
- If the message is for a remote queue, put the message on the queue.
For information on how undelivered messages are handled in a distributed queuing environment, see WebSphere MQ Intercommunications.
Parent topic:
Using the dead-letter (undelivered message) queue