

Constraint block



Limits the command to traces started for particular classes. See the START TRACE command for a list of allowed classes. A range of classes can be specified as m:n (for example, CLASS(01:03)). We cannot specify a class if you did not specify a trace type.

The default is CLASS(*), which does not limit the command.


Limits the command to traces started for particular resource managers. See the START TRACE command for a list of allowed resource manager identifiers.

Do not use this option with the STAT, ACCTG, or CHINIT trace type.

The default is RMID(*), which does not limit the command.


Limits the command to particular traces, identified by their trace number (0 to 32). Up to 8 trace numbers can be used. If more than one number is used, only one value for USERID can be used.

0 is the trace that the channel initiator can start automatically. Traces 1 to 32 are those for queue manager or the channel initiator that can be started automatically by the queue manager, or manually, using the START TRACE command.

The default is TNO(*), which applies the command to all active traces with numbers 1 to 32, but not to the 0 trace. We can stop trace number 0 only be specifying it explicitly.


Limits the action of the STOP TRACE to traces started for particular user ID. Up to 8 user IDs can be used. If more than one user ID is used, only one value can be used for TNO. Do not use this option with the STAT, ACCTG, or CHINIT trace type.

The default is USERID(*), which does not limit the command.


Parent topic:

Parameter descriptions


