Usage notes
- The new values take immediate effect, with the possible exception of STATIME and TRACTBL.
Changes to STATIME take effect when the current interval expires, unless the new interval is less than the unexpired portion of the current interval, in which case statistics are gathered immediately and the new interval then takes effect.
For TRACTBL, if there is any trace currently in effect, the existing trace table continues to be used, and its size is unchanged. A new global trace table is only obtained for a new START TRACE command. If a new trace table is created with insufficient storage, the old trace table continues to be used, and the message CSQW153E is displayed.
- If CTHREAD is reduced, any currently active threads can still connect to the WebSphere MQ system. If CTHREAD is increased, waiting threads are connected, up to the point where the number of active threads equals CTHREAD.
Parent topic:
Parameter descriptions