Parameter descriptions
You must specify the names of two local queues: the one you want to move messages from (the source queue) and the one you want to move the messages to (the target queue).
- source
- The name of the local queue from which messages are moved. The name must be defined to the local queue manager.
The command fails if the queue contains uncommitted messages.
If an application has this queue open, or has open a queue that eventually resolves to this queue, the command fails. For example, the command fails if this queue is a transmission queue, and any queue that is, or resolves to, a remote queue that references this transmission queue, is open.
An application can open this queue while the command is in progress but the application waits until the command has completed.
- This parameter specifies how the command is executed when the queue manager is a member of a queue-sharing group.
- ‘ ’
- The command is executed on the queue manager on which it was entered. This is the default value.
- qmgr-name
- The command is executed on the queue manager you specify, providing the queue manager is active within the queue-sharing group.
We can specify a queue manager name, other than the queue manager on which the command was entered, only if you are using a queue-sharing group environment and if the command server is enabled.
- Specifies the disposition of the source queue.
- The queue is defined with QSGDISP(QMGR) or QSGDISP(COPY). This is the default value.
- The queue is defined with QSGDISP(SHARED). This is valid only in a queue-sharing group environment.
- Specifies how the messages are moved.
- Move the messages from the source queue to the empty target queue.
The command fails if the target queue already contains one or more messages. The messages are deleted from the source queue. This is the default value.
- Move the messages from the source queue and add them to any messages already on the target queue.
The messages are deleted from the source queue.
- target
- The name of the local queue to which messages are moved. The name must be defined to the local queue manager.
The name of the target queue can be the same as that of the source queue only if the queue exists as both a shared and a private queue. In this case, the command moves messages to the queue that has the opposite disposition (shared or private) from that specified for the source queue on the QSGDISP parameter.
If an application has this queue open, or has open a queue that eventually resolves to this queue, the command fails. The command also fails if this queue is a transmission queue, and any queue that is, or resolves to, a remote queue that references this transmission queue, is open.
No application can open this queue while the command is in progress.
If you specify TYPE(MOVE), the command fails if the target queue already contains one or more messages.
The DEFTYPE, HARDENBO, and USAGE parameters of the target queue must be the same as those of the source queue.
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