Summary status
For summary status, the following information is returned for each structure that satisfies the selection criteria:
- The name of the application structure matching the generic name.
- The type of information returned.
- The CF structure type. This is one of the following:
- This is the CF administration structure.
- This is a CF application structure.
- The status of the CF application structure. This is one of the following:
- The structure is active.
- The structure has failed.
- The structure is not allocated in the CF, but has been defined to DB2.
- The structure is in the process of being backed-up.
- The structure is in the process of being recovered.
- The status of the CF structure is not known because, for example, DB2 may be unavailable.
- SIZEMAX(size)
- The size in kilobytes of the application structure.
- SIZEUSED(integer)
- The percentage of the size of the application structure that is in use. Therefore SIZEUSED(25) would indicate that a quarter of the space allocated to this application structure is in use.
- ENTSMAX(integer)
- The number of CF list entries defined for this application structure.
- ENTSUSED(integer)
- The number of CF list entries for this application structure that are in use.
- FAILTIME(time)
- The time that this application structure failed. The format of this field is hh.mm.ss. This parameter is only applicable when the CF structure is in FAILED or INRECOVER state. If the structure is not in a failed state, this is displayed as FAILTIME().
- FAILDATE(date)
- The date that this application-structure failed. The format of this field is yyyy-mm-dd. This parameter is only applicable when the CF structure is in FAILED or INRECOVER state. If the structure is not in a failed state, then this is displayed as FAILDATE().
Parent topic:
Keyword and parameter descriptions