Changes for the previous editions (SC34-6597-00) and (SC34-6597-01)
The changes for previous editions of the WebSphere MQ Script (MQSC) Command Reference include:
- Various technical corrections and clarifications.
- Some reformatting has been carried out. This has resulted in minor visual changes to the book but has not affected the information contained in it.
- A number of commands are introduced, on platforms other than z/OS, to enable the automatic start of certain queue manager service tasks. These commands are:
- On z/OS, a command, ALTER PSID, is introduced to allow the expansion method to be changed. The DEFINE PSID command has also been updated.
- A command, DISPLAY CONN, is introduced to display connection information about the applications connected to the queue manager. This enables you to identify applications with long-running units of work.
- On platforms other than z/OS, a command, STOP CONN, is introduced to break a connection between an application and the queue manager.
- On platforms other than z/OS, a command, DISPLAY QMSTATUS, is introduced to display status information about the queue manager.
- The WHERE parameter is introduced on a number of the DISPLAY commands. This enables you to specify a filter condition to display only those objects that satisfy the selection criterion of the filter condition.
- On the DISPLAY QMGR command, we can now choose to display different sets of queue manager parameters. The parameters CHINIT, CLUSTER, EVENT, and SYSTEM are introduced for this purpose.
- On z/OS, a system queue, SYSTEM.ADMIN.COMMAND.EVENT is now available to which messages are written when commands are issued. A queue manager attribute, CMDEV, is available to control whether such messages are generated. The ALTER QMGR and DISPLAY QMGR commands have been updated.
- System queue, SYSTEM.ADMIN.TRACE.ROUTE.QUEUE is now available to which trace-route records are written. A new queue manager parameter, ROUTEREC, is available to control whether such messages are generated, and where they are written. The ALTER QMGR and DISPLAY QMGR commands have been updated.
- System queue, SYSTEM.ADMIN.ACTIVITY.QUEUE is now available to which activity reports are written. A new queue manager parameter, ACTIVREC, is available to control whether such messages are generated, and where they are written. The ALTER QMGR and DISPLAY QMGR commands have been updated.
- Parameters are introduced to improve cluster workload management. These are:
- CLWLMRUC - the maximum number of outbound cluster channels
- CLWLUSEQ - specifies the behavior of an MQPUT operation when the target queue has a local instance and at least one remote cluster instance
on the queue manager definition,
- CLWLPRTY - the priority of the channel
- CLWLRANK - the rank of the channel
- CLWLWGHT - the weighting to be applied to the channel
on the channel definition, and
- CLWLPRTY - the priority of the queue
- CLWLRANK - the rank of the queue
- CLWLUSEQ - the behavior of an MQPUT operation when the target queue has a local instance and at least one remote cluster instance.
on the queue definition.
- On z/OS, a number of parameters are introduced to enable the dynamic changing of system parameters used by channels and the channel initiator. These are:
- ACTCHL - the maximum number of channels that can be active at any time
- ADOPTCHK - which elements are checked to determine whether an MCA should be adopted when a new inbound channel is detected with the same name as an already active MCA
- ADOPTMCA - whether an orphaned instance of an MCA should be restarted immediately when a new inbound channel request matching the ADOPTCHK parameter is detected
- CHIADAPS - the number of channel initiator adapter subtasks to use for processing WebSphere MQ calls
- CHIDISPS - the number of dispatchers to use in the channel initiator
- DNSGROUP - the name of the group that the TCP listener handling inbound transmissions for the queue-sharing group should join when using Workload Manager for Dynamic Domain Name Services support (WLM/DNS)
- DNSWLM - whether the TCP listener that handles inbound transmissions for the queue-sharing group should register with WLM/DNS
- LSTRTMR - the time interval, in seconds, between attempts by WebSphere MQ to restart a listener after an APPC or TCP/IP failure
- LUGROUP - the generic LU name to be used by the LU 6.2 listener that handles inbound transmissions for the queue-sharing group
- LUNAME - the name of the LU to use for outbound LU 6.2 transmissions
- LU62ARM - the suffix of the APPCPM member of SYS1.PARMLIB
- LU62CHL - the maximum number of channels that can be current, or clients that can be connected, that use the LU 6.2 transmission protocol
- MAXCHL - the maximum number of channels that can be current
- OPORTMAX - the maximum value in the range of port numbers to be used when binding outgoing channels
- OPORTMIN - the minimum value in the range of port numbers to be used when binding outgoing channels
- RCVTIME - the approximate length of time that a TCP/IP channel waits to receive data, including heartbeats, from its partner before returning to the inactive state
- RCVTMIN - the minimum length of time that a TCP/IP channel waits to receive data, including heartbeats, from its partner before returning to an inactive state
- RCVTTYPE - a qualifier to apply to the value in RCVTIME
- TCPCHL - the maximum number of channels that can be current, or clients that can be connected, that use the TCP/IP transmission protocol
- TCPKEEP - whether the KEEPALIVE facility is to be used to check that the other end of the connection is still available
- TCPNAME - the name of either the only, or default, TCP/IP system to be used
- TCPSTACK - whether the channel initiator may use only the TCP/IP address space specified in TCPNAME
- TRAXSTR - whether the channel initiator trace should start automatically
- TRAXTBL - the size of the channel initiator's trace data space
The ALTER QMGR and DISPLAY QMGR commands have been updated.
- Accounting data can now be collected for local and model queues. A queue manager parameter is introduced, ACCTQ, to control the collection of accounting data for queues. The ALTER QMGR and DISPLAY QMGR commands have been updated.
A queue parameter is introduced, ACCTQ, to control the collection of accounting data for queues on an individual queue basis. The ALTER QLOCAL, ALTER QMODEL, DEFINE QLOCAL, DEFINE QMODEL, and DISPLAY QUEUE commands have been updated.
- Monitoring data can now be collected and displayed for channels and queues. The following queue manager parameters are introduced:
- MONACLS - controls the collection of online monitoring data for auto-defined cluster-sender channels
- MONCHL - controls the collection of online monitoring data for channels
- MONQ - controls the collection of online monitoring data for queues
The ALTER QMGR and DISPLAY QMGR commands have been updated.
The channel parameter, MONCHL, is introduced to specify the level of online monitoring data collection for channels on an individual channel basis. The ALTER CHANNEL, DEFINE CHANNEL, and DISPLAY CHANNEL commands have been updated.
The queue parameter, MONQ, is introduced to specify the level of online monitoring data collection for queues on an individual queue basis. The ALTER QLOCAL, ALTER QMODEL, DEFINE QLOCAL, DEFINE QMODEL, and DISPLAY QUEUE commands have been updated.
A number of parameters are introduced on the DISPLAY CHSTATUS command to display message activity on the channel. These are:
- EXITTIME - the time spent processing user exits per message
- MONCHL - the current level of monitoring data collection for the channel
- NETTIME - the time to send a request to the remote end of the channel and receive a response
- SUBSTATE - the action currently being performed by the channel
- XBATCHSZ - the size of the batches transmitted over the channel
- XQMSGSA - the number of messages queued on the transmission queue available to the channel for MQGETs
- XQTIME - the time that messages remained on the transmission queue before being retrieved
We can specify any of these individually or we can select them all by using the new MONITOR parameter on the command.
A number of parameters are introduced on the DISPLAY QSTATUS command to display message activity on the queue. These are:
- LGETDATE - the date on which the last message was retrieved from the queue since the queue manager started
- LGETTIME - the time at which the last message was retrieved from the queue since the queue manager started
- LPUTDATE - the date on which the last message was put to the queue since the queue manager started
- LPUTTIME - the time at which the last message was put to the queue since the queue manager started
- MONQ - the current level of monitoring data collection for the queue
- MSGAGE - the age, in seconds, of the oldest message on the queue
- QTIME - the interval between messages being put on the queue and then being destructively read
We can specify any of these individually or we can select them all by using the new MONITOR parameter on the command.
- On platforms other than z/OS, accounting statistics data can now be collected and displayed for channels and queues. The following queue manager parameters are introduced:
- ACCTCONO - whether applications can override the settings of the ACCTQ and ACCTMQI queue manager parameters
- ACCTMQI - whether accounting information for MQI data is to be collected
- ACCTINT - the time interval at which intermediate accounting records are written
- STATACLS - whether statistics data is to be collected for auto-defined cluster-sender channels
- STATCHL - whether statistics data is to be collected for channels
- STATINT - the time interval at which statistics monitoring data is written to the monitoring queue
- STATMQI - whether MQI statistics monitoring data is to be collected for the queue manager
- STATQ - whether statistics data is to be collected for queues
The ALTER QMGR and DISPLAY QMGR commands have been updated.
The channel parameter, STATCHL, is introduced to specify the level of online statistics data collection for channels on an individual channel basis. The ALTER CHANNEL, DEFINE CHANNEL, and DISPLAY CHANNEL commands have been updated.
The queue parameter, STATQ, is introduced to specify the level of online statistics data collection for queues on an individual queue basis. The ALTER QUEUE, DEFINE QUEUE, and DISPLAY QUEUE commands have been updated.
- On z/OS, queue manager parameter, BRIDGEEV, is added to control the generation of IMS Bridge events. The ALTER QMGR and DISPLAY QMGR commands have been updated.
- Queue manager parameter, CHLEV, is introduced to control the generation of channel events. The ALTER QMGR and DISPLAY QMGR commands have been updated.
- Queue manager parameter, IPADDRV, is introduced to allow you to specify which IP protocol to use for a channel connection; IPv4 or IPv6. The ALTER QMGR and DISPLAY QMGR commands have been updated. The CONNAME and LOCLNAME parameters on the DEFINE CHANNEL command, and the CONNAME parameter on the DEFINE AUTHINFO command, have been updated to include information about IPv6.
- On platforms other than z/OS, a queue manager parameter, LOGGEREV, is introduced to specify whether recovery log events are generated. The ALTER QMGR and DISPLAY QMGR commands have been updated. On the DISPLAY QSTATUS command, parameter MEDIALOG is introduced to display the log extent or the journal receiver needed for media recovery of the queue.
- On z/OS, a queue manager parameter, SQQMNAME is introduced. When a queue manager makes an MQOPEN call for a shared queue and the queue manager that is specified in the ObjectQmgrName parameter of the MQOPEN call is in the same queue-sharing group as the processing queue manager, the SQQMNAME attribute specifies whether the ObjectQmgrName is used or whether the processing queue manager opens the shared queue directly.
- Queue manager parameter, SSLEV, is introduced to control the generation of SSL events. The ALTER QMGR and DISPLAY QMGR commands have been updated.
- On UNIX and Windows platforms, a queue manager parameter, SSLFIPS, is introduced to specify whether only FIPS-certified algorithms are to be used if cryptography is carried out. The ALTER QMGR and DISPLAY QMGR commands have been updated. The 'CipherSpecs' table in the DEFINE CHANNEL command has been updated to reflect this function.
- Queue manager parameter, SSLRKEYC, is introduced to specify the number of unencrypted bytes sent and received within an SSL conversation before the secret key is renegotiated. The ALTER QMGR and DISPLAY QMGR commands have been updated.
- The DISPLAY CFSTATUS command now has a parameter, LOGS, to return the list of queue managers, the logs of which are required to perform a recovery.
- A value of 4 is now available on the CFLEVEL parameter on the DEFINE CFSTRUCT command meaning that queues defined with CF structures at this level can have messages with a length greater than 63 KB.
- Compression of channel data is now possible. This reduces the amount of network traffic and can therefore improve the performance of channels. Parameters COMPHDR and COMPMSG are introduced on the channel definition to enable this. The ALTER CHANNEL, DEFINE CHANNEL, DISPLAY CHANNEL, DISPLAY CLUSQMGR, and DISPLAY CHSTATUS commands have been updated.
Parameters COMPRATE and COMPTIME are introduced on the DISPLAY CHSTATUS command to display the compression rate achieved and the amount of time per message spent during compression.
- The message retry parameters MRDATA, MREXIT, MRRTY, and MRTMR have been extended to include z/OS. This means that transient PUT failures in the message channel agent can be retried on this platform. The ALTER CHANNEL, DEFINE CHANNEL, and DISPLAY CHANNEL commands have been updated.
- The heartbeat interval parameter HBINT has been extended to include z/OS on server-connection and client-connection channels meaning that the server message channel agent can handle situations where the client connection fails during an MQGET with WAIT on this platform. The ALTER CHANNEL, DEFINE CHANNEL, and DISPLAY CHANNEL commands have been updated.
- Parameters SSLKEYDA, SSLKEYTI, and SSLRKEYS are introduced to display the date and time of the previous successful key reset, and the number of successful key resets since channel start. The DISPLAY CHSTATUS command has been updated.
- The following parameters are also now available on the DISPLAY CHSTATUS command:
- KAINT - the KeepAlive interval (on z/OS only)
- MCAUSER - the message channel agent user identifier
- RAPPLTAG - the remote partner application
- SSLCERTI - the full Distinguished name of the issuer of a remote certificate
- SSLCERTU - the local user identifier associated with a remote certificate (on z/OS only)
- On z/OS, we can now display for local queues the TPIPE names used for communication with OTMA. The DISPLAY QUEUE command has been updated.
- On platforms other than z/OS, we can now set the reliability to be assigned to non-persistent messages put to local and model queues by using the NPMCLASS parameter. The ALTER queue, DEFINE queue, and DISPLAY QUEUE commands have been updated.
- The MOVE QLOCAL command has been updated to remove the INDXTYPE parameter restriction between the source and destination queues.
- In order to allow Websphere MQ administrators to specify the application name that will be used to authenticate passtickets for IMS bridge applications, parameter PASSTKTA is introduced on the ALTER STGCLASS, DEFINE STGCLASS, and DISPLAY STGCLASS commands.
- The REFRESH SECURITY command now has a parameter, TYPE, to specify which type of refresh is to be performed.
- The RESUME QMGR and SUSPEND QMGR commands now have a FACILITY parameter with values of DB2 and IMSBRIDGE. The FACILITY parameter specifies the facility to which connection is to be reestablished or terminated.
- On z/OS, a trace type of CHINIT is introduced so that we can collect trace data from the channel initiator. The ALTER TRACE, DISPLAY TRACE, START TRACE, and STOP TRACE commands have been updated.
- We can no longer start certain z/OS commands from CSQINP2; see the tables at the start of the commands for indicators of from where the command may be started.
- UDP support is withdrawn.
- The DISPLAY DQM command has been renamed DISPLAY CHINIT.
Parent topic:
Summary of changes