



The queue manager may have been deleted and then recreated and redefined, or it may have been cold started on z/OS, without first following the procedure in Task 5 "Removing a Queue Manager from a cluster". The cluster will function correctly with the older version of the queue manager being ignored, until it ages out of the cluster completely after about 90 days. To remove all trace of the queue manager immediately use the RESET CLUSTER command from a full repository queue manager, to remove the older unwanted queue manager and its queues from the cluster.

2 : reset cluster(DEMO) qmid('QM1_2002-03-04_11.04.19') action(FORCEREMOVE) queues(yes)

AMQ8559: RESET CLUSTER accepted.


Parent topic:

Symptom — DISPLAY CLUSQMGR, shows a queue manager twice.


