What happens if I put-disable a cluster queue?
When a cluster queue is put-disabled, this situation is reflected in the repository of each queue manager that is interested in that queue. The workload management algorithm tries to send messages to destinations that are put-enabled. If there are no put-enabled destinations and no local instance of a queue, an MQOPEN call that specified MQOO_BIND_ON_OPEN returns a return code of MQRC_CLUSTER_PUT_INHIBITED to the application. If MQOO_BIND_NOT_FIXED is specified, or there is a local instance of the queue, an MQOPEN call succeeds but subsequent MQPUT calls fail with return code MQRC_PUT_INHIBITED.
We can write a user exit program to modify the workload management routines so that messages can be routed to a destination that is put-disabled. If a message arrives at a destination that is put-disabled (because it was in flight at the time the queue became disabled or because a workload exit chose the destination explicitly), the workload management routine at the queue manager can choose another appropriate destination if there is one, or place the message on the dead-letter queue, or if there is no dead-letter queue, return the message to the originator.
Parent topic:
Cluster-administration considerations