- Hconn (MQHCONN) – input
- MQI connection handle.
- Hobj (MQHOBJ) – input
- Object handle of the queue on which the message is to be placed. This handle was returned by a preceding MQOPEN call issued by the application. The queue must be open for output.
- MsgDesc (MQMD) – input/output
- Message descriptor. (For more information, see the WebSphere MQ Application Programming Reference.)
If the Format field has a value other than MQFMT_ADMIN, MQFMT_EVENT, or MQFMT_PCF, MQRC_FORMAT_NOT_SUPPORTED results.
If the Encoding field has a value other than MQENC_NATIVE, MQRC_ENCODING_NOT_SUPPORTED results.
- PutMsgOpts (MQPMO) – input/output
- Put-message options. (For more information, see the WebSphere MQ Application Programming Reference.)
- Bag (MQHBAG) – input
- Handle of the data bag to be converted to a message.
If the bag contains an administration message, and mqAddInquiry was used to insert values into the bag, the value of the MQIASY_COMMAND data item must be an INQUIRE command recognized by the MQAI; MQRC_INQUIRY_COMMAND_ERROR results if it is not.
If the bag contains nested system bags, MQRC_NESTED_BAG_NOT_SUPPORTED results.
- CompCode (MQLONG) – output
- Completion code.
- Reason (MQLONG) – output
- Reason code qualifying CompCode. The following reason codes indicating error and warning conditions can be returned from the mqPutBag call:
- MQRC_*
- Anything from the MQPUT call or bag manipulation.
- Input data bag is a group bag.
- Encoding not supported (value in Encoding field in MQMD must be MQENC_NATIVE).
- Format not supported (name in Format field in MQMD must be MQFMT_ADMIN, MQFMT_EVENT, or MQFMT_PCF).
- Bag handle not valid.
- mqAddInquiry call used with a command code that is not a recognized INQUIRE command.
- Input data bag contains one or more nested system bags.
- Administration message requires a parameter that is not present in the bag. This reason code occurs for bags created with the MQCBO_ADMIN_BAG or MQCBO_REORDER_AS_REQUIRED options only.
- mqAddString or mqSetString was used to add the MQIACF_INQUIRY selector to the bag.
- Insufficient storage available.
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