



Hconn (MQHCONN) – input

MQI connection handle.

Hobj (MQHOBJ) – input

Object handle of the queue from which the message is to be retrieved. This handle was returned by a preceding MQOPEN call issued by the application. The queue must be open for input.

MsgDesc (MQMD) – input/output

Message descriptor (for more information, see the WebSphere MQ Application Programming Reference).

If the Format field in the message has a value other than MQFMT_ADMIN, MQFMT_EVENT, or MQFMT_PCF, MQRC_FORMAT_NOT_SUPPORTED results.

If, on entry to the call, the Encoding field in the application’s MQMD has a value other than MQENC_NATIVE and MQGMO_CONVERT is specified, MQRC_ENCODING_NOT_SUPPORTED results. Also, if MQGMO_CONVERT is not specified, the value of the Encoding parameter must be the retrieving application’s MQENC_NATIVE; if not, again MQRC_ENCODING_NOT_SUPPORTED results.

GetMsgOpts (MQGMO) – input/output

Get-message options (for more information, see the WebSphere MQ Application Programming Guide).

MQGMO_ACCEPT_TRUNCATED_MSG cannot be specified; MQRC_OPTIONS_ERROR results if it is. MQGMO_LOCK and MQGMO_UNLOCK are not supported in a 16-bit or 32-bit Window environment. MQGMO_SET_SIGNAL is supported in a 32-bit Window environment only.

Bag (MQHBAG) – input/output

Handle of a bag into which the retrieved message is placed. The MQAI performs an mqClearBag call on the bag before placing the message in the bag.


Gets the retrieved message. This provides a means of deleting messages from the queue.

If an option of MQGMO_BROWSE_* is specified, this value sets the browse cursor to the selected message; it is not deleted in this case.

CompCode (MQLONG) – output

Completion code.

Reason (MQLONG) – output

Reason code qualifying CompCode.

The following reason codes indicating warning and error conditions can be returned from the mqGetBag call:


Anything from the MQGET call or bag manipulation.


Data could not be converted into a bag.

This indicates a problem with the format of the data to be converted into a bag (for example, the message is not a valid PCF).

If the message was retrieved destructively from the queue (that is, not browsing the queue), this reason code indicates that it has been discarded.


Input data bag is a group bag.


Encoding not supported; the value in the Encoding field of the MQMD must be MQENC_NATIVE.


Format not supported; the Format name in the message is not MQFMT_ADMIN, MQFMT_EVENT, or MQFMT_PCF. If the message was retrieved destructively from the queue (that is, not browsing the queue), this reason code indicates that it has been discarded.


Bag handle not valid.


Datatype of second occurrence of selector differs from datatype of first occurrence.


Selector not within valid range for call.


Insufficient storage available.


System bag cannot be altered or deleted.


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