- Hconn (MQHCONN) – input
- MQI connection handle.
- Hobj (MQHOBJ) – input
- Object handle of the queue from which the message is to be retrieved. This handle was returned by a preceding MQOPEN call issued by the application. The queue must be open for input.
- MsgDesc (MQMD) – input/output
- Message descriptor (for more information, see the WebSphere MQ Application Programming Reference).
If the Format field in the message has a value other than MQFMT_ADMIN, MQFMT_EVENT, or MQFMT_PCF, MQRC_FORMAT_NOT_SUPPORTED results.
If, on entry to the call, the Encoding field in the application’s MQMD has a value other than MQENC_NATIVE and MQGMO_CONVERT is specified, MQRC_ENCODING_NOT_SUPPORTED results. Also, if MQGMO_CONVERT is not specified, the value of the Encoding parameter must be the retrieving application’s MQENC_NATIVE; if not, again MQRC_ENCODING_NOT_SUPPORTED results.
- GetMsgOpts (MQGMO) – input/output
- Get-message options (for more information, see the WebSphere MQ Application Programming Guide).
MQGMO_ACCEPT_TRUNCATED_MSG cannot be specified; MQRC_OPTIONS_ERROR results if it is. MQGMO_LOCK and MQGMO_UNLOCK are not supported in a 16-bit or 32-bit Window environment. MQGMO_SET_SIGNAL is supported in a 32-bit Window environment only.
- Bag (MQHBAG) – input/output
- Handle of a bag into which the retrieved message is placed. The MQAI performs an mqClearBag call on the bag before placing the message in the bag.
- Gets the retrieved message. This provides a means of deleting messages from the queue.
If an option of MQGMO_BROWSE_* is specified, this value sets the browse cursor to the selected message; it is not deleted in this case.
- CompCode (MQLONG) – output
- Completion code.
- Reason (MQLONG) – output
- Reason code qualifying CompCode.
The following reason codes indicating warning and error conditions can be returned from the mqGetBag call:
- MQRC_*
- Anything from the MQGET call or bag manipulation.
- Data could not be converted into a bag.
This indicates a problem with the format of the data to be converted into a bag (for example, the message is not a valid PCF).
If the message was retrieved destructively from the queue (that is, not browsing the queue), this reason code indicates that it has been discarded.
- Input data bag is a group bag.
- Encoding not supported; the value in the Encoding field of the MQMD must be MQENC_NATIVE.
- Format not supported; the Format name in the message is not MQFMT_ADMIN, MQFMT_EVENT, or MQFMT_PCF. If the message was retrieved destructively from the queue (that is, not browsing the queue), this reason code indicates that it has been discarded.
- Bag handle not valid.
- Datatype of second occurrence of selector differs from datatype of first occurrence.
- Selector not within valid range for call.
- Insufficient storage available.
- System bag cannot be altered or deleted.
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