- Bag (MQHBAG) – input
- Handle of the bag to be modified.
This must be the handle of a bag created by the user, not the handle of a system bag. MQRC_SYSTEM_BAG_NOT_ALTERABLE results if the value you specify identifies a system bag.
- Selector (MQLONG) – input
- Selector identifying the item to be added to the bag.
If the selector is less than zero (that is, a system selector), MQRC_SELECTOR_OUT_OF_RANGE results.
If the selector is zero or greater (that is, a user selector) and the bag was created with the MQCBO_CHECK_SELECTORS option or as an administration bag (MQCBO_ADMIN_BAG), the selector must be in the range MQIA_FIRST through MQIA_LAST; if not, again MQRC_SELECTOR_OUT_OF_RANGE results.
If MQCBO_CHECK_SELECTORS was not specified, the selector can be any value of zero or greater.
If the call is creating a second or later occurrence of a selector that is already in the bag, the datatype of this occurrence must be the same as the datatype of the first occurrence; MQRC_INCONSISTENT_ITEM_TYPE results if it is not.
- ItemValue (MQLONG) – input
- The integer condition value to be placed in the bag.
- Operator (MQLONG) – input
- The integer filter operator to be placed in the bag. Valid operators take the form MQCFOP_*.
- CompCode (MQLONG) – output
- Completion code.
- Reason (MQLONG) – output
- Reason code qualifying CompCode.
The following reason codes indicate error conditions that can be returned from the mqAddIntegerFilter call:
- Filter operator not valid.
- Bag handle not valid.
- Datatype of this occurrence of selector differs from datatype of first occurrence.
- Selector not within valid range for call.
- Insufficient storage available.
- System bag cannot be altered or deleted.
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