

How do I use the MQAI?


Figure 1. How the MQAI administers WebSphere MQ

The MQAI provides easier programming access to PCF messages. To pass parameters in programs that are written using MQI calls, the PCF message must contain the command and details of the string or integer data. To do this, several statements are needed in your program for every structure, and memory space must be allocated.

On the other hand, programs written using the MQAI pass parameters into the data bag and only one statement is required for each structure. The data bag removes the need for the programmer to handle arrays and allocate storage, and provides some isolation from the details of PCF.

The MQAI administers WebSphere MQ by sending PCF messages to the command server and waiting for a response as shown in Figure 1.


Parent topic:

Introduction to the WebSphere MQ Administration Interface (MQAI)


