

Reset Channel


Compaq NonStop Kernel HP OpenVMS i5/OS UNIX systems Windows z/OS

The Reset Channel (MQCMD_RESET_CHANNEL) command resets the message sequence number for a WebSphere MQ channel with, optionally, a specified sequence number to be used the next time that the channel is started.

This command can be issued to a channel of any type (except MQCHT_SVRCONN and MQCHT_CLNTCONN). However, if it is issued to a sender (MQCHT_SENDER), server (MQCHT_SERVER), or cluster-sender (MQCHT_CLUSSDR) channel, the value at both ends (issuing end and receiver or requester end), is reset when the channel is next initiated or resynchronized. The value at both ends is reset to be equal.

If the command is issued to a receiver (MQCHT_RECEIVER), requester (MQCHT_REQUESTER), or cluster-receiver (MQCHT_CLUSRCVR) channel, the value at the other end is not reset as well; this must be done separately if necessary.

Where there is both a locally defined channel and an auto-defined cluster-sender channel of the same name, the command applies to the locally defined channel.

If there is no locally defined channel but more than one auto-defined cluster-sender channel, the command applies to the last channel added to the repository on the local queue manager.

Required parameters:


Optional parameters:

CommandScope, ChannelDisposition, MsgSeqNumber


Parent topic:

Definitions of the Programmable Command Formats


