Response data
- AlterationDate (MQCFST)
- Alteration date (parameter identifier: MQCA_ALTERATION_DATE).
This is the date, in the form yyyy-mm-dd, on which the definition was last altered.
The maximum length of the string is MQ_DATE_LENGTH.
- AlterationTime (MQCFST)
- Alteration time (parameter identifier: MQCA_ALTERATION_TIME).
This is the time, in the form hh.mm.ss, at which the definition was last altered.
The maximum length of the string is MQ_TIME_LENGTH.
- PageSetId (MQCFIN)
- Page set identifier (parameter identifier: MQIA_PAGESET_ID).
The page set identifier to which the storage class maps.
- PassTicketApplication (MQCFST)
- Pass ticket application (parameter identifier: MQCA_PASS_TICKET_APPL).
The application name that is passed to RACF when authenticating the passticket specified in the MQIIH header.
The maximum length is MQ_PASS_TICKET_APPL_LENGTH.
- QSGDisposition (MQCFIN)
- QSG disposition (parameter identifier: MQIA_QSG_DISP).
Specifies the disposition of the object (that is, where it is defined and how it behaves). The value can be:
- The object is defined as MQQSGD_COPY.
- The object is defined as MQQSGD_GROUP.
- The object is defined as MQQSGD_Q_MGR.
- StorageClassDesc (MQCFST)
- Description of the storage class (parameter identifier: MQCA_STORAGE_CLASS_DESC).
The maximum length is MQ_STORAGE_CLASS_DESC_LENGTH.
- StgClassName (MQCFST)
- Name of the storage class (parameter identifier: MQCA_STORAGE_CLASS).
The maximum length of the string is MQ_STORAGE_CLASS_LENGTH.
- XCFGroupName (MQCFST)
- Name of the XCF group of which WebSphere MQ is a member (parameter identifier: MQCA_XCF_GROUP_NAME).
The maximum length is MQ_XCF_GROUP_NAME_LENGTH.
- XCFMemberName (MQCFST)
- Name of the XCF group of which WebSphere MQ is a member (parameter identifier: MQCA_XCF_MEMBER_NAME).
The maximum length is MQ_XCF_MEMBER_NAME_LENGTH.
Parent topic:
Inquire Storage Class (Response)