Response data
- AccountingConnOverride (MQCFIN)
- Specifies whether applications can override the settings of the QueueAccounting and MQIAccounting queue manager parameters (parameter identifier: MQIA_ACCOUNTING_CONN_OVERRIDE).
The value can be:
- Applications cannot override the settings of the QueueAccounting and MQIAccounting parameters.
- Applications can override the settings of the QueueAccounting and MQIAccounting parameters by using the options field of the MQCNO structure of the MQCONNX API call.
This parameter applies only to AIX, HP-UX, Linux, i5/OS, Solaris, and Windows.
- AccountingInterval (MQCFIN)
- The time interval, in seconds, at which intermediate accounting records are written (parameter identifier: MQIA_ACCOUNTING_INTERVAL).
It is a value in the range 1 through 604 000.
This parameter applies only to AIX, HP-UX, Linux, i5/OS, Solaris, and Windows.
- ActivityRecording (MQCFIN)
- Whether activity reports can be generated (parameter identifier: MQIA_ACTIVITY_RECORDING).
The value can be:
- Activity reports cannot generated.
- Activity reports can be generated and sent to the destination specified by the originator of the message causing the report.
- Activity reports can be generated and sent to SYSTEM.ADMIN.ACTIVITY.QUEUE.
- AdoptNewMCACheck (MQCFIN)
- The elements checked to determine whether an MCA should be adopted (restarted) when a new inbound channel is detected that has the same name as a currently active MCA (parameter identifier: MQIA_ADOPTNEWMCA_CHECK).
The value can be:
- Check the queue manager name.
- Check the network address.
- Check the queue manager name and network address.
- Do not check any elements.
This parameter applies to z/OS only.
- AdoptNewMCAType (MQCFIL)
- Adoption of orphaned channel instances (parameter identifier: MQIA_ADOPTNEWMCA_TYPE).
The value can be:
- Do not adopt orphaned channel instances.
- Adopt all channel types.
This parameter applies to z/OS only.
- AlterationDate (MQCFST)
- Alteration date (parameter identifier: MQCA_ALTERATION_DATE).
The date, in the form yyyy-mm-dd, on which the information was last altered.
- AlterationTime (MQCFST)
- Alteration time (parameter identifier: MQCA_ALTERATION_TIME).
The time, in the form hh.mm.ss, at which the information was last altered.
- AuthorityEvent (MQCFIN)
- Controls whether authorization (Not Authorized) events are generated (parameter identifier: MQIA_AUTHORITY_EVENT).
The value can be:
- Event reporting disabled.
- Event reporting enabled.
- BridgeEvent (MQCFIN)
- Controls whether IMS™ Bridge events are generated (parameter identifier: MQIA_BRIDGE_EVENT). This parameter applies to z/OS only.
The value can be:
- Event reporting disabled.
- Event reporting enabled.
- ChannelAutoDef (MQCFIN)
- Controls whether receiver and server-connection channels can be auto-defined (parameter identifier: MQIA_CHANNEL_AUTO_DEF).
The value can be:
- Channel auto-definition disabled.
- Channel auto-definition enabled.
- ChannelAutoDefEvent (MQCFIN)
- Controls whether channel auto-definition events are generated (parameter identifier: MQIA_CHANNEL_AUTO_DEF_EVENT), when a receiver, server-connection, or cluster-sender channel is auto-defined.
The value can be:
- Event reporting disabled.
- Event reporting enabled.
- ChannelAutoDefExit (MQCFST)
- Channel auto-definition exit name (parameter identifier: MQCA_CHANNEL_AUTO_DEF_EXIT).
The maximum length of the exit name depends on the environment in which the exit is running. MQ_EXIT_NAME_LENGTH gives the maximum length for the environment in which your application is running. MQ_MAX_EXIT_NAME_LENGTH gives the maximum for all supported environments.
- ChannelEvent (MQCFIN)
- Controls whether channel events are generated (parameter identifier: MQIA_CHANNEL_EVENT).
The value can be:
- Event reporting disabled.
- Event reporting enabled.
- Reporting of exception channel events enabled.
- ChannelInitiatorControl (MQCFIN)
- Start the channel initiator during queue manager start (parameter identifier: MQIA_CHINIT_CONTROL). This parameter is not available on z/OS.
The value can be:
- The channel initiator is not to be started automatically when the queue manager starts.
- The channel initiator is to be started automatically when the queue manager starts.
- ChannelMonitoring (MQCFIN)
- Default setting for online monitoring for channels (parameter identifier: MQIA_MONITORING_CHANNEL).
If the ChannelMonitoring channel attribute is set to MQMON_Q_MGR, this attribute specifies the value which is assumed by the channel. The value can be:
- Online monitoring data collection is turned off.
- Online monitoring data collection is turned off for channels regardless of the setting of their ChannelMonitoring attribute.
- Online monitoring data collection is turned on, with a low ratio of data collection.
- Online monitoring data collection is turned on, with a moderate ratio of data collection.
- Online monitoring data collection is turned on, with a high ratio of data collection.
- ChannelStatistics (MQCFIN)
- Whether statistics data is to be collected for channels (parameter identifier: MQIA_STATISTICS_CHANNEL).
The value can be:
This parameter is valid only on AIX, HP-UX, Linux, i5/OS, Solaris, and Windows.
- Statistics data collection is turned off for channels regardless of the setting of their ChannelStatistics parameter. This is the queue manager's initial default value.
- Statistics data collection is turned off for channels specifying a value of MQMON_Q_MGR in their ChannelStatistics parameter.
- Statistics data collection is turned on, with a low ratio of data collection, for channels specifying a value of MQMON_Q_MGR in their ChannelStatistics parameter.
- Statistics data collection is turned on, with a moderate ratio of data collection, for channels specifying a value of MQMON_Q_MGR in their ChannelStatistics parameter.
- Statistics data collection is turned on, with a high ratio of data collection, for channels specifying a value of MQMON_Q_MGR in their ChannelStatistics parameter.
- ChinitAdapters (MQCFIN)
- Number of adapter subtasks (parameter identifier: MQIA_CHINIT_ADAPTERS).
The number of adapter subtasks to use for processing WebSphere MQ calls. This parameter applies to z/OS only.
- ChinitDispatchers (MQCFIN)
- Number of dispatchers (parameter identifier: MQIA_CHINIT_DISPATCHERS).
The number of dispatchers to use for the channel initiator. This parameter applies to z/OS only.
- ChinitServiceParm (MQCFST)
- Reserved for use by IBM (parameter identifier: MQCA_CHINIT_SERVICE_PARM).
- ChinitTraceAutoStart (MQCFIN)
- Whether the channel initiator trace should start automatically (parameter identifier: MQIA_CHINIT_TRACE_AUTO_START).
The value can be:
- Channel initiator trace is to start automatically.
- Channel initiator trace is not to start automatically.
This parameter applies to z/OS only.
- ChinitTraceTableSize (MQCFIN)
- The size, in megabytes, of the channel initiator's trace data space (parameter identifier: MQIA_CHINIT_TRACE_TABLE_SIZE).
This parameter applies to z/OS only.
- ClusterSenderMonitoringDefault (MQCFIN)
- Set for online monitoring for automatically defined cluster-sender channels (parameter identifier: MQIA_MONITORING_AUTO_CLUSSDR).
The value can be:
- Collection of online monitoring data is inherited from the setting of the queue manager's ChannelMonitoring parameter.
- Monitoring for the channel is switched off.
- Specifies a low rate of data collection with a minimal impact on system performance unless ChannelMonitoring for the queue manager is MQMON_NONE. The data collected is not likely to be the most current.
- Specifies a moderate rate of data collection with limited impact on system performance unless ChannelMonitoring for the queue manager is MQMON_NONE..
- Specifies a high rate of data collection with a likely impact on system performance unless ChannelMonitoring for the queue manager is MQMON_NONE.. The data collected is the most current available.
- ClusterSenderStatistics (MQCFIN)
- Whether statistics data is to be collected for auto-defined cluster-sender channels (parameter identifier: MQIA_STATISTICS_AUTO_CLUSSDR).
The value can be:
This parameter is valid only on AIX, HP-UX, Linux, i5/OS, Solaris, and Windows.
- Collection of statistics data is inherited from the setting of the queue manager's ChannelStatistics parameter.
- Statistics data collection for the channel is switched off.
- Specifies a low rate of data collection with a minimal impact on system performance.
- Specifies a moderate rate of data collection.
- Specifies a high rate of data collection.
- ClusterWorkLoadData (MQCFST)
- Data passed to the cluster workload exit (parameter identifier: MQCA_CLUSTER_WORKLOAD_DATA).
- ClusterWorkLoadExit (MQCFST)
- Name of the cluster workload exit (parameter identifier: MQCA_CLUSTER_WORKLOAD_EXIT).
The maximum length of the exit name depends on the environment in which the exit is running. MQ_EXIT_NAME_LENGTH gives the maximum length for the environment in which your application is running. MQ_MAX_EXIT_NAME_LENGTH gives the maximum for all supported environments.
- ClusterWorkLoadLength (MQCFIN)
- Cluster workload length (parameter identifier: MQIA_CLUSTER_WORKLOAD_LENGTH).
The maximum length of the message passed to the cluster workload exit.
- Cluster workload most recently used (MRU) channels (parameter identifier: MQIA_CLWL_MRU_CHANNELS).
The maximum number of active most recently used outbound channels.
- Use of remote queue (parameter identifier: MQIA_CLWL_USEQ).
Specifies whether a cluster queue manager is to use remote puts to other queues defined in other queue managers within the cluster during workload management.
The value can be:
- Use remote queues.
- Do not use remote queues.
- CodedCharSetId (MQCFIN)
- Coded character set identifier (parameter identifier: MQIA_CODED_CHAR_SET_ID).
- CommandEvent (MQCFIN)
- Controls whether command events are generated (parameter identifier: MQIA_COMMAND_EVENT). This parameter applies to z/OS only.
The value can be:
- Event reporting disabled.
- Event reporting enabled.
- Event reporting enabled for all successful commands except Inquire commands.
- CommandInputQName (MQCFST)
- Command input queue name (parameter identifier: MQCA_COMMAND_INPUT_Q_NAME).
The maximum length of the string is MQ_Q_NAME_LENGTH.
- CommandLevel (MQCFIN)
- Command level supported by queue manager (parameter identifier: MQIA_COMMAND_LEVEL).
The value can be:
- Level 1 of system control commands.
This value is returned by the following:
- MQSeries for AIX V2.2
- MQSeries for OS/2 V2.0
- MQSeries for OS/400:
- V2R3
- V3R1
- V3R6
- MQSeries for Windows V2.0
- MQSeries for Windows V2.0.1
- MQSeries for Windows V2.1
- MQSeries for Windows NT V2.0
- MQSeries for OS/2 V2.0.1
- Level 220 of system control commands.
This value is returned by the following:
- MQSeries for AT&T GIS UNIX V2.2
- MQSeries for SINIX and DC/OSx V2.2
- MQSeries for Compaq NonStop Kernel V2.2.0.1
- Level 221 of system control commands.
This value is returned by the following:
- MQSeries for AIX Version 2.2.1
- MQSeries for DIGITAL UNIX (Compaq Tru64 UNIX) V2.2.1
- MQSeries for OS/400 V3R2 and V3R7
- MQSeries for AS/400 V4R2 and R2.1
- Level 500 of system control commands.
This value is returned by the following:
- MQSeries for AIX V5.0
- MQSeries for HP-UX V5.0
- MQSeries for OS/2 Warp V5.0
- MQSeries for Solaris V5.0
- MQSeries for Windows NT V5.0
- Level 510 of system control commands.
This value is returned by the following:
- MQSeries for AIX V5.1
- MQSeries for AS/400 V5.1
- MQSeries for HP-UX V5.1
- MQSeries for OS/2 Warp V5.1
- MQSeries for Compaq Tru64 UNIX, V5.1
- MQSeries for Compaq OpenVMS Alpha, V5.1
- MQSeries for Compaq NonStop Kernel, V5.1
- MQSeries for Solaris V5.1
- MQSeries for Windows NT V5.1
- Level 520 of system control commands.
This value is returned by the following:
- MQSeries for AIX V5.2
- MQSeries for AS/400 V5.2
- MQSeries for HP-UX V5.2
- MQSeries for Linux V5.2
- MQSeries for Solaris V5.2
- MQSeries for Windows NT V5.2
- MQSeries for Windows 2000 V5.2
- Level 530 of system control commands.
This value is returned by the following:
- WebSphere MQ for AIX, V5.3
- WebSphere MQ for iSeries, V5.3
- WebSphere MQ for HP-UX, V5.3
- WebSphere MQ for Linux, V5.3
- WebSphere MQ for Sun Solaris, V5.3
- WebSphere MQ for Windows NT and Windows 2000, V5.3
- Level 531 of system control commands.
- Level 600 of system control commands.
The set of system control commands that corresponds to a particular value of the CommandLevel attribute varies according to the value of the Platform attribute; both must be used to decide which system control commands are supported.
- CommandServerControl (MQCFIN)
- Start the command server during queue manager start (parameter identifier: MQIA_CMD_SERVER_CONTROL). This parameter is not available on z/OS.
The value can be:
- The command server is not to be started automatically when the queue manager starts.
- The command server is to be started automatically when the queue manager starts.
- ConfigurationEvent (MQCFIN)
- Queue sharing group name (parameter identifier: MQIA_CONFIGURATION_EVENT). This parameter is valid only on z/OS.
The value can be:
- Event reporting disabled.
- Event reporting enabled.
- DeadLetterQName (MQCFST)
- Dead letter (undelivered message) queue name (parameter identifier: MQCA_DEAD_LETTER_Q_NAME).
Specifies the name of the local queue that is to be used for undelivered messages. Messages are put on this queue if they cannot be routed to their correct destination.
The maximum length of the string is MQ_Q_NAME_LENGTH.
- DefXmitQName (MQCFST)
- Default transmission queue name (parameter identifier: MQCA_DEF_XMIT_Q_NAME).
This is the name of the default transmission queue that is used for the transmission of messages to remote queue managers, if there is no other indication of which transmission queue to use.
The maximum length of the string is MQ_Q_NAME_LENGTH.
- DistLists (MQCFIN)
- Distribution list support (parameter identifier: MQIA_DIST_LISTS).
The value can be:
- Distribution lists supported.
- Distribution lists not supported.
- DNS group name (parameter identifier: MQCA_DNS_GROUP).
The name of the group that the TCP listener handling inbound transmissions for the queue-sharing group should join when using Workload Manager for Dynamic Domain Name Services support (DDNS). This parameter applies to z/OS only.
- Controls whether the TCP listener that handles inbound transmissions for the queue-sharing group should register with Workload Manager (WLM) for DDNS: (parameter identifier: MQIA_DNS_WLM).
The value can be:
- The listener should register with WLM.
- The listener is not to register with WLM. This is the queue manager's initial default value.
This parameter applies to z/OS only.
- ExpiryInterval (MQCFIN)
- Interval between scans for expired messages (parameter identifier: MQIA_EXPIRY_INTERVAL). This parameter is valid only on z/OS.
Specifies the frequency with which the queue manager scans the queues looking for expired messages. This is a time interval in seconds in the range 1 through 99 999 999, or the following special value:
- No scans for expired messages.
- IGQPutAuthority (MQCFIN)
- Type of authority checking used by the intra-group queuing agent (parameter identifier: MQIA_IGQ_PUT_AUTHORITY). This parameter is valid only on z/OS.
The attribute indicates the type of authority checking that is performed when the local intra-group queuing agent (IGQ agent) removes a message from the shared transmission queue and places the message on a local queue. The value can be:
- Default user identifier is used.
- Context user identifier is used.
- Only the IGQ user identifier is used.
- Alternate user identifier or IGQ-agent user identifier is used.
- Use identifier used the intra-group queuing agent (parameter identifier: MQCA_IGQ_USER_ID). This parameter is valid only on z/OS.
The maximum length of the string is MQ_USER_ID_LENGTH.
- InhibitEvent (MQCFIN)
- Controls whether inhibit (Inhibit Get and Inhibit Put) events are generated (parameter identifier: MQIA_INHIBIT_EVENT).
The value can be:
- Event reporting disabled.
- Event reporting enabled.
- IntraGroupQueuing (MQCFIN)
- Specifies whether intra-group queuing is used (parameter identifier: MQIA_INTRA_GROUP_QUEUING). This parameter is valid only on z/OS.
The value can be:
- Intra-group queuing is disabled. All messages destined for other queue managers in the queue-sharing group are transmitted using conventional channels.
- Intra-group queuing is enabled.
- IPAddressV(MQCFIN)
- IP address version selector (parameter identifier: MQIA_IP_ADDRESS_VERSION).
Specifies which IP address version, either IPv4 or IPv6, is used. The value can be:
- IPv4 is used.
- IPv6 is used.
- ListenerTimer (MQCFIN)
- Listener restart interval (parameter identifier: MQIA_LISTENER_TIMER).
The time interval, in seconds, between attempts by WebSphere MQ to restart the listener after an APPC or TCP/IP failure. This parameter applies to z/OS only.
- LocalEvent (MQCFIN)
- Controls whether local error events are generated (parameter identifier: MQIA_LOCAL_EVENT).
The value can be:
- Event reporting disabled.
- Event reporting enabled.
- LoggerEvent (MQCFIN)
- Controls whether recovery log events are generated (parameter identifier: MQIA_LOGGER_EVENT).
The value can be:
- Event reporting disabled.
- Event reporting enabled.
This is valid only on AIX, HP-UX, i5/OS, Solaris, Linux, and Windows.
- LUGroupName (MQCFST)
- Generic LU name for the LU 6.2 listener (parameter identifier: MQCA_LU_GROUP_NAME).
The generic LU name to be used by the LU 6.2 listener that handles inbound transmissions for the queue-sharing group. This parameter applies to z/OS only.
- LU name to use for outbound LU 6.2 transmissions (parameter identifier: MQCA_LU_NAME).
The name of the LU to use for outbound LU 6.2 transmissions. This parameter applies to z/OS only.
- LU62ARMSuffix (MQCFST)
- APPCPM suffix (parameter identifier: MQCA_LU62_ARM_SUFFIX).
The suffix of the APPCPM member of SYS1.PARMLIB. This suffix nominates the LUADD for this channel initiator. This parameter applies to z/OS only.
- LU62Channels (MQCFIN)
- Maximum number of LU 6.2 channels (parameter identifier: MQIA_LU62_CHANNELS).
The maximum number of channels that can be current, or clients that can be connected, that use the LU 6.2 transmission protocol. This parameter applies to z/OS only.
- MaxActiveChannels (MQCFIN)
- Maximum number of channels (parameter identifier: MQIA_ACTIVE_CHANNELS).
The maximum number of channels that can be active at any time. This parameter applies to z/OS only.
- MaxChannels (MQCFIN)
- Maximum number of current channels (parameter identifier: MQIA_MAX_CHANNELS).
The maximum number of channels that can be current (including server-connection channels with connected clients). This parameter applies to z/OS only.
- MaxHandles (MQCFIN)
- Maximum number of handles (parameter identifier: MQIA_MAX_HANDLES).
Specifies the maximum number of handles that any one connection can have open at the same time.
- MaxMsgLength (MQCFIN)
- Maximum message length (parameter identifier: MQIA_MAX_MSG_LENGTH).
- MaxPriority (MQCFIN)
- Maximum priority (parameter identifier: MQIA_MAX_PRIORITY).
- MaxUncommittedMsgs (MQCFIN)
- Maximum number of uncommitted messages within a unit of work (parameter identifier: MQIA_MAX_UNCOMMITTED_MSGS).
That is:
- The number of messages that can be retrieved, plus
- The number of messages that can be put on a queue, plus
- Any trigger messages generated within this unit of work
under any one syncpoint. This limit does not apply to messages that are retrieved or put outside syncpoint.
- MQIAccounting (MQCFIN)
- Whether accounting information for MQI data is to be collected (parameter identifier: MQIA_ACCOUNTING_MQI).
The value can be:
This parameter is valid only on AIX, HP-UX, Linux, i5/OS, Solaris, and Windows.
- MQI accounting data collection is disabled.
- MQI accounting data collection is enabled.
- MQIStatistics (MQCFIN)
- Whether statistics monitoring data is to be collected for the queue manager (parameter identifier: MQIA_STATISTICS_MQI).
The value can be:
This parameter is valid only on AIX, HP-UX, Linux, i5/OS, Solaris, and Windows.
- Data collection for MQI statistics is disabled. This is the queue manager's initial default value.
- Data collection for MQI statistics is enabled.
- OutboundPortMax (MQCFIN)
- The maximum value in the range for the binding of outgoing channels (parameter identifier: MQIA_OUTBOUND_PORT_MAX).
The maximum value in the range of port numbers to be used when binding outgoing channels. This parameter applies to z/OS only.
- OutboundPortMin (MQCFIN)
- The minimum value in the range for the binding of outgoing channels (parameter identifier: MQIA_OUTBOUND_PORT_MIN).
The minimum value in the range of port numbers to be used when binding outgoing channels. This parameter applies to z/OS only.
- PerformanceEvent (MQCFIN)
- Controls whether performance-related events are generated (parameter identifier: MQIA_PERFORMANCE_EVENT).
The value can be:
- Event reporting disabled.
- Event reporting enabled.
- Platform (MQCFIN)
- Platform on which the queue manager resides (parameter identifier: MQIA_PLATFORM).
The value can be:
- AIX (same value as MQPL_UNIX).
- Compaq NonStop Kernel.
- MQPL_OS400
- i5/OS.
- UNIX systems.
- HP OpenVMS.
- Windows.
- z/OS
- QmgrDesc (MQCFST)
- Queue manager description (parameter identifier: MQCA_Q_MGR_DESC).
The maximum length of the string is MQ_Q_MGR_DESC_LENGTH.
- QMgrIdentifier (MQCFST)
- Queue manager identifier (parameter identifier: MQCA_Q_MGR_IDENTIFIER).
The unique identifier of the queue manager.
- QMgrName (MQCFST)
- Name of local queue manager (parameter identifier: MQCA_Q_MGR_NAME).
The maximum length of the string is MQ_Q_MGR_NAME_LENGTH.
- Queue sharing group name (parameter identifier: MQCA_QSG_NAME). This parameter is valid only on z/OS.
The maximum length of the string is MQ_QSG_NAME_LENGTH.
- QueueAccounting (MQCFIN)
- Collection of accounting (thread-level and queue-level accounting) data for queues (parameter identifier: MQIA_ACCOUNTING_Q).
The value can be:
- Accounting data collection for queues is disabled.
- Accounting data collection is disabled for queues specifying a value of MQMON__Q_MGR in the QueueAccounting parameter.
- Accounting data collection is enabled for queues specifying a value of MQMON__Q_MGR in the QueueAccounting parameter.
- QueueMonitoring (MQCFIN)
- Default setting for online monitoring for queues (parameter identifier: MQIA_MONITORING_Q).
If the QueueMonitoring queue attribute is set to MQMON_Q_MGR, this attribute specifies the value which is assumed by the channel. The value can be:
- Online monitoring data collection is turned off.
- Online monitoring data collection is turned off for queues regardless of the setting of their QueueMonitoring attribute.
- Online monitoring data collection is turned on, with a low ratio of data collection.
- Online monitoring data collection is turned on, with a moderate ratio of data collection.
- Online monitoring data collection is turned on, with a high ratio of data collection.
- QueueStatistics (MQCFIN)
- Whether statistics data is to be collected for queues (parameter identifier: MQIA_STATISTICS_Q).
The value can be:
This parameter is valid only on AIX, HP-UX, Linux, i5/OS, Solaris, and Windows.
- Statistics data collection is turned off for queues regardless of the setting of their QueueStatistics parameter.
- Statistics data collection is turned off for queues specifying a value of MQMON_Q_MGR in their QueueStatistics parameter.
- Statistics data collection is turned on for queues specifying a value of MQMON_Q_MGR in their QueueStatistics parameter.
- ReceiveTimeout (MQCFIN)
- How long a TCP/IP channel waits to receive data from its partner (parameter identifier: MQIA_RECEIVE_TIMEOUT).
The length of time that a TCP/IP channel waits to receive data, including heartbeats, from its partner before returning to the inactive state.
This parameter applies to z/OS only.
- ReceiveTimeoutMin (MQCFIN)
- The minimum length of time that a TCP/IP channel waits to receive data from its partner (parameter identifier: MQIA_RECEIVE_TIMEOUT_MIN).
The minimum length of time that a TCP/IP channel waits to receive data, including heartbeats, from its partner before returning to the inactive state. This parameter applies to z/OS only.
- ReceiveTimeoutType (MQCFIN)
- The qualifier to apply to ReceiveTimeout (parameter identifier: MQIA_RECEIVE_TIMEOUT_TYPE).
The qualifier to apply to ReceiveTimeoutType to calculate how long a TCP/IP channel waits to receive data, including heartbeats, from its partner before returning to the inactive state. This parameter applies to z/OS only.
The value can be:
- The ReceiveTimeout value is a multiplier to be applied to the negotiated value of HeartbeatInterval to determine how long a channel will wait.
- ReceiveTimeout is a value, in seconds, to be added to the negotiated value of HeartbeatInterval to determine how long a channel will wait.
- ReceiveTimeout is a value, in seconds, representing how long a channel will wait.
- RemoteEvent (MQCFIN)
- Controls whether remote error events are generated (parameter identifier: MQIA_REMOTE_EVENT).
The value can be:
- Event reporting disabled.
- Event reporting enabled.
- RepositoryName (MQCFST)
- Repository name (parameter identifier: MQCA_REPOSITORY_NAME).
The name of a cluster for which this queue manager is to provide a repository service.
- RepositoryNamelist (MQCFST)
- Repository name list (parameter identifier: MQCA_REPOSITORY_NAMELIST).
The name of a list of clusters for which this queue manager is to provide a repository service.
- SharedQQmgrName (MQCFIN)
- Shared-queue queue manager name (parameter identifier: MQIA_SHARED_Q_Q_MGR_NAME).
When a queue manager makes an MQOPEN call for a shared queue and the queue manager that is specified in the ObjectQmgrName parameter of the MQOPEN call is in the same queue-sharing group as the processing queue manager, the SQQMNAME attribute specifies whether the ObjectQmgrName is used or whether the processing queue manager opens the shared queue directly. This parameter is valid only on z/OS.
The value can be:
- ObjectQmgrName is used and the appropriate transmission queue is opened.
- The processing queue manager opens the shared queue directly.
- The SSL Certification Revocation List (CRL) namelist (parameter identifier: MQCA_SSL_CRL_NAMELIST).
The length of the string is MQ_NAMELIST_NAME_LENGTH.
Indicates the name of a namelist of authentication information objects to be used for CRL checking by the queue manager.
- SSLCryptoHardware (MQCFST)
- Parameters to configure the SSL cryptographic hardware (parameter identifier: MQCA_SSL_CRYPTO_HARDWARE).
The length of the string is MQ_SSL_CRYPTO_HARDWARE_LENGTH.
Sets the name of the parameter string required to configure the cryptographic hardware present on the system.
This parameter is supported on AIX, HP-UX, Solaris, Linux, and Windows only.
- Controls whether SSL events are generated (parameter identifier: MQIA_SSL_EVENT).
The value can be:
- Event reporting disabled.
- Event reporting enabled.
- SSLFipsRequired (MQCFIN)
- Controls whether only FIPS-certified algorithms are to be used if cryptography is executed in WebSphere MQ itself (parameter identifier: MQIA_SSL_FIPS_REQUIRED). This parameter is valid only on Windows and UNIX platforms.
The value can be:
- Any supported CipherSpec can be used.
- Only FIPS-certified cryptographic algorithms are to be used if cryptography is executed in WebSphere MQ itself.
- SSLKeyRepository (MQCFST)
- Location and name of the SSL key repository (parameter identifier: MQCA_SSL_KEY_REPOSITORY).
The length of the string is MQ_SSL_KEY_REPOSITORY_LENGTH.
Indicates the name of the Secure Sockets Layer key repository.
The format of the name depends on the environment.
- SSLKeyResetCount (MQCFIN)
- SSL key reset count (parameter identifier: MQIA_SSL_RESET_COUNT).
The number of unencrypted bytes that initiating SSL channel MCAs send or receive before renegotiating the secret key.
- Number of server subtasks used for processing SSL calls (parameter identifier: MQIA_SSL_TASKS). This parameter is valid only on z/OS.
The number of server subtasks used for processing SSL calls.
- StartStopEvent (MQCFIN)
- Controls whether start and stop events are generated (parameter identifier: MQIA_START_STOP_EVENT).
The value can be:
- Event reporting disabled.
- Event reporting enabled.
- StatisticsInterval (MQCFIN)
- The time interval, in seconds, at which statistics monitoring data is written to the monitoring queue (parameter identifier: MQIA_STATISTICS_INTERVAL).
This parameter is valid only on AIX, HP-UX, Linux, i5/OS, Solaris, and Windows.
- SyncPoint (MQCFIN)
- Syncpoint availability (parameter identifier: MQIA_SYNCPOINT).
The value can be:
- Units of work and syncpointing available.
- Units of work and syncpointing not available.
- TCPChannels (MQCFIN)
- The maximum number of channels that can be current, or clients that can be connected, that use the TCP/IP transmission protocol (parameter identifier: MQIA_TCP_CHANNELS).
This parameter applies to z/OS only.
- TCPKeepAlive (MQCFIN)
- Whether the TCP KEEPALIVE facility is to be used to check whether the other end of the connection is still available (parameter identifier: MQIA_TCP_KEEP_ALIVE).
The value can be:
- The TCP KEEPALIVE facility is to be used as specified in the TCP profile configuration data set. The interval is specified in the KeepAliveInterval channel attribute.
- The TCP KEEPALIVE facility is not to be used.
This parameter applies to z/OS only.
- The name of the TCP/IP system that you are using (parameter identifier: MQIA_TCP_NAME).
This parameter applies to z/OS only.
- TCPStackType (MQCFIN)
- Whether the channel initiator may use only the TCP/IP address space specified in TCPName, or may optionally bind to any selected TCP/IP address (parameter identifier: MQIA_TCP_STACK_TYPE).
The value can be:
- The channel initiator may only use the TCP/IP address space specified in TCPName.
- The channel initiator may use any TCP/IP address space available to it.
This parameter applies to z/OS only.
- TraceRouteRecording (MQCFIN)
- Whether trace-route information can be recorded and a reply message generated (parameter identifier: MQIA_TRACE_ROUTE_RECORDING).
The value can be:
- Trace-route information cannot recorded.
- Trace-route information can be recorded and sent to the destination specified by the originator of the message causing the trace route record.
- Trace-route information can be recorded and sent to SYSTEM.ADMIN.TRACE.ROUTE.QUEUE.
- TriggerInterval (MQCFIN)
- Trigger interval (parameter identifier: MQIA_TRIGGER_INTERVAL).
Specifies the trigger time interval, expressed in milliseconds, for use only with queues where TriggerType has a value of MQTT_FIRST.
Parent topic:
Inquire Queue Manager (Response)