

Inquire Connection (Response)


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The response to the Inquire Connection (MQCMD_INQUIRE_CONNECTION) command consists of the response header followed by the ConnectionId structure and a set of attribute parameter structures determined by the value of ConnInfoType in the Inquire command.

If the value of ConnInfoType was MQIACF_CONN_INFO_ALL, there is one message for each connection found with MQIACF_CONN_INFO_CONN, and n more messages per connection with MQIACF_CONN_INFO_HANDLE (where n is the number of objects that the connection has open).

Always returned:

ConnectionId, ConnInfoType

Always returned if ConnInfoType is MQIACF_CONN_INFO_HANDLE:

ObjectName, ObjectType, QSGDisposition

Returned if requested and ConnInfoType is MQIACF_CONN_INFO_CONN:

ApplTag, ApplType, ASID, ChannelName, ConnectionName, ConnectionOptions, OriginName, OriginUOWId, ProcessId, PSBName, PSTId, QMgrUOWId, StartUOWLogExtent, TaskNumber, ThreadId, TransactionId, UOWIdentifier, UOWLogStartDate, UOWLogStartTime, UOWStartDate, UOWStartTime, UOWState, UOWType, UserId

Returned if requested and ConnInfoType is MQIACF_CONN_INFO_HANDLE:

OpenOptions, HandleState


Parent topic:

Definitions of the Programmable Command Formats


