Required parameters
- ConnectionId (MQCFBS)
- Connection identifier (parameter identifier: MQBACF_CONNECTION_ID).
This is the unique connection identifier associated with an application that is connected to the queue manager. Specify either this parameter or GenericConnectionId.
All connections are assigned a unique identifier by the queue manager regardless of how the connection is established.
If we need to specify a generic connection identifier, use the GenericConnectionId parameter instead.
The length of the string is MQ_CONNECTION_ID_LENGTH.
- GenericConnectionId (MQCFBS)
- Generic specification of a connection identifier (parameter identifier: MQBACF_GENERIC_CONNECTION_ID).
Specify either this parameter or ConnectionId.
If you specify a byte string of zero length, or one which contains only null bytes, information about all connection identifiers is returned. This is the only value permitted for GenericConnectionId.
The length of the string is MQ_CONNECTION_ID_LENGTH.
Parent topic:
Inquire Connection