Inquire Cluster Queue Manager (Response)
Compaq NonStop Kernel HP OpenVMS i5/OS UNIX systems Windows z/OS X X X X X X
The response to the Inquire Cluster Queue Manager (MQCMD_INQUIRE_CLUSTER_Q_MGR) command consists of the response header followed by the QMgrName structure and the requested combination of attribute parameter structures.
- Always returned:
- ChannelName, ClusterName, QMgrName,
- Returned if requested:
- AlterationDate, AlterationTime, BatchHeartbeat, BatchInterval, BatchSize, ChannelDesc, ChannelMonitoring, ChannelStatus, ClusterDate, ClusterInfo, ClusterTime, CLWLChannelPriority, CLWLChannelRank, CLWLChannelWeight, ConnectionName, DataConversion, DiscInterval, HeaderCompression, HeartbeatInterval, KeepAliveInterval, LocalAddress, LongRetryCount, LongRetryInterval, MaxMsgLength, MCAName, MCAType, MCAUserIdentifier, MessageCompression, ModeName, MsgExit, MsgRetryCount, MsgRetryExit, MsgRetryInterval, MsgRetryUserData, MsgUserData, NetworkPriority, NonPersistentMsgSpeed, Password, PutAuthority, QMgrDefinitionType, QMgrIdentifier, QMgrType, ReceiveExit, ReceiveUserData, SecurityExit, SecurityUserData, SendExit, SendUserData, SeqNumberWrap, ShortRetryCount, ShortRetryInterval, SSLCipherSpec, SSLClientAuth, SSLPeerName, Suspend, TpName, TransportType, UserIdentifier
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Definitions of the Programmable Command Formats