Inquire Channel Status (Response)
Compaq NonStop Kernel HP OpenVMS i5/OS UNIX systems Windows z/OS X X X X X X
The response to the Inquire Channel Status (MQCMD_INQUIRE_CHANNEL_STATUS) command consists of the response header followed by
- The ChannelName structure,
- The ChannelDisposition structure (on z/OS only),
- The ChannelInstanceType structure
- The ChannelStatus structure (except on z/OS channels whose ChannelInstanceType parameter has a value of MQOT_SAVED_CHANNEL.
- The ChannelType structure
- The ConnectionName structure
- The RemoteApplTag structure
- The RemoteQMgrName structure
- The StopRequested structure
- The XmitQName structure
which are followed by the requested combination of status attribute parameter structures. One such message is generated for each channel instance found that matches the criteria specified on the command.
On z/OS, if the value for any of these parameters exceeds 999 999 999, it is returned as 999 999 999:
- Batches
- BuffersReceived
- BuffersSent
- BytesReceived
- BytesSent
- CompressionTime
- CurrentMsgs
- ExitTime
- Msgs
- NetTime
- SSLKeyResets
- XQTime
- Always returned:
- ChannelDisposition, ChannelInstanceType, ChannelName, ChannelStatus, ChannelType, ConnectionName, RemoteApplTag, RemoteQMgrName, StopRequested, SubState, XmitQName
- Returned if requested:
- Batches, BatchSize, BatchSizeIndicator, BuffersReceived, BuffersSent, BytesReceived, BytesSent, ChannelMonitoring, ChannelStartDate, ChannelStartTime, CompressionRate, CompressionTime, CurrentLUWID, CurrentMsgs, CurrentSequenceNumber, ExitTime, HeaderCompression, HeartbeatInterval, InDoubtStatus, KeepAliveInterval, LastLUWID, LastMsgDate, LastMsgTime, LastSequenceNumber, LocalAddress, LongRetriesLeft, MaxMsgLength, MCAJobName, MCAStatus, MCAUserIdentifier, MessageCompression, Msgs, MsgsAvailable, NetTime, NonPersistentMsgSpeed, QMgrName, , ShortRetriesLeft, SSLCertRemoteIssuerName, SSLCertUserId, SSLKeyResetDate, SSLKeyResets, SSLKeyResetTime, SSLShortPeerName, XQTime
Parent topic:
Definitions of the Programmable Command Formats