

Optional parameters


CFStrucAttrs (MQCFIL)

CF application structure attributes (parameter identifier: MQIACF_CF_STRUC_ATTRS).

The attribute list might specify the following on its own (this is the default value used if the parameter is not specified):


All attributes.

or a combination of the following:


The date on which the definition was last altered.


The time at which the definition was last altered.


Description of CF application structure.


Name of CF application structure.


Functional capability level for the CF application structure.


Whether CF recovery for the application structure is supported.

IntegerFilterCommand (MQCFIF)

Integer filter command descriptor. The parameter identifier must be any integer type parameter of those allowed in CFStrucAttrs except MQIACF_ALL. Use this to restrict the output from the command by specifying a filter condition. See MQCFIF - PCF integer filter parameter for information about using this filter condition.

If you specify an integer filter, we cannot also specify a string filter using the StringFilterCommand parameter.

StringFilterCommand (MQCFSF)

String filter command descriptor. The parameter identifier must be any string type parameter of those allowed in CFStrucAttrs except MQCA_CF_STRUC_NAME. Use this to restrict the output from the command by specifying a filter condition. See MQCFSF - PCF string filter parameter for information about using this filter condition.

If you specify a string filter, we cannot also specify an integer filter using the IntegerFilterCommand parameter.


Parent topic:

Inquire CF Structure


