

Optional parameters


EntityName (MQCFST)

Entity name (parameter identifier: MQCACF_ENTITY_NAME).

Depending on the value of EntityType, this is either:

  • A principal name. This is the name of a user for whom to retrieve authorizations to the specified object. On WebSphere MQ for Windows, the name of the principal can optionally include a domain name, specified in this format: user@domain.

  • A group name. This is the name of the user group for which to retrieve authorizations. We can specify one name only and this must be the name of an existing user group. On WebSphere MQ for Windows, we can only use local groups.

The maximum length of the string is MQ_ENTITY_NAME_LENGTH.

EntityType (MQCFIN)

Entity type (parameter identifier: MQIACF_ENTITY_TYPE).

The value can be:


The value of the EntityName parameter refers to a group name.


The value of the EntityName parameter refers to a principal name.

ProfileAttrs (MQCFIL)

Profile attributes (parameter identifier: MQIACF_AUTH_PROFILE_ATTRS).

The attribute list might specify the following on its own (this is the default value if the parameter is not specified):


All attributes.

or a combination of the following:


Entity name.


Authorization list.


Entity type.


Object type.

ServiceComponent (MQCFST)

Service component (parameter identifier: MQCACF_SERVICE_COMPONENT).

If installable authorization services are supported, this specifies the name of the authorization service from which to retrieve authorization.

If you omit this parameter, the authorization inquiry is made to the first installable component for the service.

The maximum length of the string is MQ_SERVICE_COMPONENT_LENGTH.


Parent topic:

Inquire Authority Records


