

Optional parameters


Adapter (MQCFIN)

Adapter number (parameter identifier: MQIACH_ADAPTER).

The adapter number on which NetBIOS listens. This is valid only on Windows.

Backlog (MQCFIN)

Backlog (parameter identifier: MQIACH_BACKLOG).

The number of concurrent connection requests that the listener supports.

Commands (MQCFIN)

Adapter number (parameter identifier: MQIACH_COMMAND_COUNT).

The number of commands that the listener can use. This is valid only on Windows.

IPAddress (MQCFST)

IP address (parameter identifier: MQCACH_IP_ADDRESS).

IP address for the listener specified in IPv4 dotted decimal, IPv6 hexadecimal notation, or alphanumeric hostname form. If you do not specify a value for this parameter, the listener listens on all configured IPv6 and IPv6 stacks.

The maximum length of the string is MQ_LOCAL_ADDRESS_LENGTH

ListenerDesc (MQCFST)

Description of listener definition (parameter identifier: MQCACH_LISTENER_DESC).

This is a plain-text comment that provides descriptive information about the listener definition. It should contain only displayable characters.

If characters are used that are not in the coded character set identifier (CCSID) for the queue manager on which the command is executing, they might be translated incorrectly.

The maximum length of the string is MQ_LISTENER_DESC_LENGTH.

LocalName (MQCFST)

NetBIOS local name (parameter identifier: MQCACH_LOCAL_NAME).

The NetBIOS local name that the listener uses. This is valid only on Windows.

The maximum length of the string is MQ_CONN_NAME_LENGTH

NetbiosNames (MQCFIN)

NetBIOS names (parameter identifier: MQIACH_NAME_COUNT).

The number of names that the listener supports. This is valid only on Windows.


Port number (parameter identifier: MQIACH_PORT).

The port number for TCP/IP. This is valid only if the value of TransportType is MQXPT_TCP.

Replace (MQCFIN)

Replace attributes (parameter identifier: MQIACF_REPLACE).

If a namelist definition with the same name as ToListenerName already exists, this specifies whether it is to be replaced. The value can be:


Replace existing definition.


Do not replace existing definition.

Sessions (MQCFIN)

NetBIOS sessions (parameter identifier: MQIACH_SESSION_COUNT).

The number of sessions that the listener can use. This is valid only on Windows.

Socket (MQCFIN)

SPX socket number (parameter identifier: MQIACH_SOCKET).

The SPX socket on which to listen. This is valid only if the value of TransportType is MQXPT_SPX.

StartMode (MQCFIN)

Service mode (parameter identifier: MQIACH_LISTENER_CONTROL).

Specifies how the listener is to be started and stopped. The value can be:


The listener is not to be started automatically or stopped automatically. It is to be controlled by user command. This is the default value.


The listener being defined is to be started and stopped at the same time as the queue manager is started and stopped.


The listener is to be started at the same time as the queue manager is started, but is not requested to stop when the queue manager is stopped.


Transaction program name (parameter identifier: MQCACH_TP_NAME).

The LU 6.2 transaction program name. This is valid only on Windows.

The maximum length of the string is MQ_TP_NAME_LENGTH


Parent topic:

Change, Copy, and Create Channel Listener


